Extremely late, but she was introduced with the line “I’ll never make *American* movies.”
Extremely late, but she was introduced with the line “I’ll never make *American* movies.”
Every single question you asked has an answer within the show, so I would suggest re-watching it. Also, consider how some scenes might have character value over plot value.
I’m similarly interested as there’s no way he doesn’t play a major role somewhere. He was immediately striking as well, it was exciting.
I will be watching all three episodes but man I’m mad at how they changed Chase. And yeah, the Molly aging up thing is weird. Why they need to ratchet up the drama of having a reunion (over a dead sister) doesn’t make sense to me when there’s already so much going on?
I regularly forget that he’s an alien while I’m *watching the show*.
He’s an alien.
Team TARDIS 1.0: who are you?
He’s asking for it, the Scottish tart.
I’m hoping for him to fill the “action male lead” companion role (like Ian, Harry, etc) but to be totally useless all the time.
It’s a taunt.
“I guess the difference to me is, if somehow we lived in a world where 55 years ago a woman was cast as the Doctor and ever since then she’d been played by a woman then the change averse people would be equally adamant that the Doctor never be played by a man.”
This show makes me laugh in equal or greater amounts than many sitcoms but it’s definitely also a supernatural procedural drama.
This is also my take but I genuinely hope I am proven wrong.
I also thought the one across his neck made him look like he was in a priest’s collar.
I wonder if they asked him to grab the Emmy or if that was improv'd
Susie suddenly has narcolepsy.
She was a sexy, crooked reporter in two episodes of Smallville.
Just like everyone else, I watched all of this last night and while I clearly enjoy it because I can't stop watching, it wasn't as funny or wild as its precursors. I'm going to be screaming FIFTY FIFTY for three weeks, so it was definitely worth it, but I wish it had been tighter/actors would have interacted more…
The angry space motor oil was voiced by some ice warriors, wasn't it? Shot from below it looked much more like a viewing portal/window.
Just a slow glacier drifting behind them on stage with no acknowledgment.