I've only seen Modern Times, but I agree that it is ridiculously good. I've been meaning to watch Gold Rush and really most anything of his since I went on my RDJ kick and finally saw Chaplin.
I've only seen Modern Times, but I agree that it is ridiculously good. I've been meaning to watch Gold Rush and really most anything of his since I went on my RDJ kick and finally saw Chaplin.
I've only seen Modern Times, but I agree that it is ridiculously good. I've been meaning to watch Gold Rush and really most anything of his since I went on my RDJ kick and finally saw Chaplin.
Are these on Netflix? Where are people getting all these Chaplin films?
Are these on Netflix? Where are people getting all these Chaplin films?
I've sort of got it into my head that it would make an incredible Saturday morning kids cartoon show where it's just wacky hijinks at Hogwarts all the time.
I've sort of got it into my head that it would make an incredible Saturday morning kids cartoon show where it's just wacky hijinks at Hogwarts all the time.
That just sounds like a horrible idea to me.
That just sounds like a horrible idea to me.
I was super surprise to learn it was coming out this Friday, and I've been peripherally following its development for a while.
I was super surprise to learn it was coming out this Friday, and I've been peripherally following its development for a while.
I'm pretty sure a pair of scissors and hot glue is better than WMM, and that is speaking from experience.
I'm pretty sure a pair of scissors and hot glue is better than WMM, and that is speaking from experience.
What did you use? I used to have Vegas and now I have FCPX, although I'm sort of regretting it because I hear it's lacking a bunch of important things I don't know about.
What did you use? I used to have Vegas and now I have FCPX, although I'm sort of regretting it because I hear it's lacking a bunch of important things I don't know about.
Starting Season 2 of Friends and already seeing major, major improvements. I wonder if the writers suddenly got hilarious over the summer.
Starting Season 2 of Friends and already seeing major, major improvements. I wonder if the writers suddenly got hilarious over the summer.
Season Four has some of my absolute favorite episodes, and even with the whole Riley and Adam thing it's still so, so much better than some of the stuff we get later.
Season Four has some of my absolute favorite episodes, and even with the whole Riley and Adam thing it's still so, so much better than some of the stuff we get later.
Heart of Two and Jamie in PS.
Heart of Two and Jamie in PS.