
@SpongyandBruised:disqus Melissa is Teenage Witch.

@SpongyandBruised:disqus Melissa is Teenage Witch.

Wouldn't that just be Teen Witch?

Wouldn't that just be Teen Witch?

See, that was my issue with it, but my twitter feed is full of fans and I can only resist for so long.

See, that was my issue with it, but my twitter feed is full of fans and I can only resist for so long.

Should I start watching Teen Wolf or Girls?

Should I start watching Teen Wolf or Girls?

I think it's probably better than season 6 overall. At least we don't have to deal with episode after episode of detached depression.

I think it's probably better than season 6 overall. At least we don't have to deal with episode after episode of detached depression.

I've had only six more episodes of Buffy to go for over three months. I can't tell if I'm procrastinating because of feels or if I'm just that lazy.

I've had only six more episodes of Buffy to go for over three months. I can't tell if I'm procrastinating because of feels or if I'm just that lazy.

No, no he can't. But it's okay because Steve is there to help him.

No, no he can't. But it's okay because Steve is there to help him.

Man, I don't watch enough TV.

Man, I don't watch enough TV.

The first season is pretty MoTW, but then I think it moves on to even more serialized structures than Buffy. Most of the plots revolve around the characters and their dramas.

The first season is pretty MoTW, but then I think it moves on to even more serialized structures than Buffy. Most of the plots revolve around the characters and their dramas.

Exactly! It's what prepped me for the paranormal genre, before Supernatural started when I was a teen.

Exactly! It's what prepped me for the paranormal genre, before Supernatural started when I was a teen.