Can't you respond with something more than sneering, clipped, rude disdain?
Can't you respond with something more than sneering, clipped, rude disdain?
Or use a zippo to light a bong, total rookie move.
This show is fucking rad, it's like that GTA:SA prequel I always wanted in TV form.
Also Eugene hasn't done anything to warrant being in hell, that might be confusing the issue.
I realise it has a precedent stretching well back into classic Who, it just never get less "convenient". Just once it would be nice no to lean so heavily on it.
In the scene with the clipboard Brie is fully in Annie mode.
I hope you've right.
They hand-waved the remembering thing by saying the crossed time streams caused Sims Master to have amnesia. Pretty lazy really.
> hard sci-fi
Tears of joy, those finale few minutes left me with tears of joy. The Christmas special cannot come soon enough.
I doubt I fully comprehend what I just watched right now but I sure as hell enjoyed it.
That's my take on it.
Huh interesting, I assumed they were slowing down purely because the elevator at peak speed were travelling so fast they need time to slow back down without killing the passengers via massive amount of G's.
Bill will be fine, I'm sure the Doctor Regenerates next episode purely to make her fine by gifting her some glow-y magic or something. I doubt they have the guts to kill her off for realsies.
Loving all UK scifi references this season, with this episode drawing quite heavily on Red Dwarf for inspiration. The idea on a very long ship stuck on the periphery of a black hole which then creates a time dilation effect along the length of the ship, was both in the Red Dwarf Novels and the episode "White Hole."
Yeah plus he makes some shitty comments to a nurse in the next episode. I can't belive i felt sorry for Jonah.
Boo indeed AVC.
I agree, Daniel makes this episode easily a B+.
He could still be a Jesus, one of the Easter hating ones.