Uh...yes and no. I went to see Eternals and walked away not hating it but definitely with a “that didn’t feel like a Marvel movie” vibe. Which is ok. If this is the new path Marvel is on, that’s totally their choice. The movie didn’t make me “uncomfortable”, whatever that means. It made me question the path that…
Imagine how I felt when I discovered the Americans spell kerb as curb.
On behalf of everyone outside of your car - it doesn’t sound better.
Note to everyone here: modifying your exhaust to make your car louder does not make you cool - it makes you dickish.
It’s quite possible to be well aware of the geopolitical situation and conclude “fuck Israel”. Just thought you should be aware of that.
Lol fuck Israel
Gal Gadot is one of the most out of touch people on the planet and a supporter of ethnic cleansing. Fuck Gal Gadot.
I know it’s probably expecting too much logical consistency out of a 1/2 hour mockumentary sitcom about vulgar, incompetent vampires but why didn’t Lazlo just hypnotize everyone in court so that Sean could win (or make the guy he owed money to forget about it)?
Aw, no mention of his role on “Stargate SG-1" as the alien who stayed on Earth and helped produce the show-within-a-show “Wormhole X-Treme”? I know he had an illustrious career as a character actor, but that’s neck and neck with his role on “Sex in the City” for me.
Surprised Hap and Leonard wasn’t mentioned. Under-rated show.
I was hoping the lengthy story had a paragraph.
Your story might have been great. I didn’t read it though because if you can’t bother to use punctuation or capitalization, I can’t bother to read it.
Thats because Formula 1 is a snooze fest... the people responsible for running a boring @$$ racing series are fumbling in trying to make an exciting (electric) series?? SHOCKER!!!
In my part of the US, at least, I began noticing several years ago that McDonalds was a quick, dependable source of a cup of quality basic black coffee. (And of that other coveted thing on a road trip, a decent restroom, since coffee drinking is like trout fishing — catch and release.) If memory serves, they’d…
Wait... they cancelled Glow?
Meanwhile, I’m over here on Mother Abigail’s porch in Hemingford Home. She still makes her own bread and she’s 108. She keeps fucking with this out of tune guitar, but every once in a while she yells about rats being in the corn.
Fuck off with the transphobia
Doyle died because Glenn Quinn’s drug habit was out of control to the point where he couldn’t function on the show anymore.