
I guess Pied Piper is also in trouble after the incident. Once word gets out that the hooli app could blow up your phone it will be the one app the people remember to uninstall.

When I make weed butter I use coconut oil as a replacement for butter, works great.

You are correct I think he did mention it first but the they were treating him like a rapist prior to that.

I always assumed it was all front, he talks a big game but that's about it. He's an asshole I just never pegged him a the type to commit sexual assault.

I guess I forgot all the horrible stuff he has done.

I'm going to give him that last once since they were acting like he was going to rape the president.

This episode is the first time I have noticed that the mountain pattern on the office wall that Jimmy painted is extremely similar to the one in the back of the Bingo hall.

I feel little bit sorry for Jonah with every one treating him like a sexual predator. Since the show has never shown him pursuing women in a inappropriate manner. He was fairly respectful towards Amy when he was trying to date her in season one for example,


All you need is a potato.

I was miffed at first that the main 'A' plot wasn't advanced at all but upon reflection I liked the sweetness of the ending, so it was worth it.

Talking Dead confirms it was Charlie Utter.

Don't try to play your IoT race card around these parts, fridge lover.

I thought one of the bad dudes was going to revel himself after the shootout to be white, right wing gunloving Jesus.

I noticed that the doctor never upgraded his squads equipment, you should never neglect research.

The fire scene was well acted but that's not how you build a good fire though.

There is no other explanation for it. The Cera scene is punishment for enjoying the scene before it which is maximum classic peaks, Laura palmer, crying and the original score welling up.

Dan seems quite happy to take the show beyond the school if needs be.

No, the ones I saw were by Citizenkane1488X.

If anybody could forgive his love for shooting to kill, it would be Penguin. A man whom for violence is an everyday, naturally occurring thing, like talking with ones hands.