I think the reason a lot of people didn’t like him is that he got a character arc, instead of Kara. If they had both gotten solid arcs, I think he would have been more popular.
I think the reason a lot of people didn’t like him is that he got a character arc, instead of Kara. If they had both gotten solid arcs, I think he would have been more popular.
One of the first questions I asked when I started reading the Root was something along the lines of “how can I be better white person?” It really is kind of a loaded question, and several people called me on it but one was kind enough to give me what I have taken for good advice. Just try to be a good person. All the…
In a way, Lena spelled it out in this episode: she recognizes and respects that people have their secrets, that it’s necessary. She gets that it’s not an insult not to be told right away.
She seems to actually like the Obamas - I wonder if it’s that they offered her the first human kindness she’s received from a person who doesn’t want anything from her in many years.
Exactly. All the comments now are ‘he was such an annoying frat bro last season,’ but my overwhelming impression of him last season was ‘annoying frat bro who is increasingly becoming a more considerate person,’ and that’s a pretty appealing character to me.
We’re not just going to undo our racist past as a country but we really can stop it from going forward. I suppose I would be satisfied if racism even seemed like it was dying out but it’s still popular with kids today.
Being a Black person it was hard for me to come to realize in my adult life that Metallica, Def Leopard, AC/DC were proooobably racist (not to mention raging violent women abusers and druggies). But boy I love ‘Changes’ by Black Sabbath. That’s some soul wrenching music right there. Charles Bradley’s cover of the song…
I’m low-key happy a white person has never asked me that. It seems so loaded..or I would just say, “Don’t be an asshole?” Don’t think it would help matters.
I’ve heard that about Mike, and it hurts because I love his run. Looking at his jokes, they don’t seem conservative at all, so if he was a Republican, it never showed in his work.
Heh, you’re right, I never thought of it that way. I always did like “Curtis Loew”, but never realized how it can be taken as patronizing of Black people. I feel like it was probably written from the point of view of a white Southerner who was brought up being taught that Black people are to be avoided at all costs,…
I realize this might come off as caping for Southern rednecks here, but I feel like the original incarnation of Skynyrd, the classic ‘70s lineup with Ronnie van Zandt on vocals and the rest of them before the plane crash, weren’t uneducated, racist trash. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. I think they were about…
Pam Poovey really improved her lot when she left ISIS/Figgis Detective Agency to work for the DEO.
Also, forgot to mention, but it’s hilarious that Lena figured out Sam was Reign after a couple of episodes but still can’t figure out Kara is Supergirl.
Honestly surprised at the low grade here—I thought this episode was great. My only real gripe was the cape tricks—I could take the silliness, but I have some reservations about Kara learning them from Mon-El instead of Superman (you know, the guy whose name is almost synonymous with capes?). But honestly I’m just glad…
Sometimes my brain just gets tired of doing the “Imagine If...” thing, but it’s never wrong. Can you imagine if Zimmerman would have walked up on some random kid in a hoodie, the kid turns around and ask Zimmerman why he’s following him, and Zimmerman see’s the the dude is a kid and is white? He’d be so embarrassed…
I used to dislike him and see where you coming from, but I feel the writers have fixed him, I now like him. Writers getting rid of his douchebag immature persona have made me like him.
-Man, I couldn’t disagree with this review more. This might be one of the Top 5 best episodes this show has done.
Hey, it’s just like that one episode of DS9 where Lwaxana Troi’s powers went screwy and caused everyone to start pursuing random hookups, only without all the sexual harrasment.