
Lets test that theory out shall we!

I don't not what a woman feels like so I bought 4!!! Now I will join my Larp and D&D buddies to come up with a plan to prove who would win a fight Star Trek or Star Wars universes!

Finally I can stop going to meetings!!! Thank you mind to mind communications (M&M'c)!!!

Yeah I want no part of this NERD firght!!!

Spartan! What does my schedule look like for the weekend?

Yeah I don't see this working!!

"I'm not going to say that the trucker is clear of responsibility in this wreck, given that the guy looks like he was camping out in the left lane, but at a certain point it doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong."

Now think about why this exsists!!

The guy were and are awesome !!! The Blackbird project is the standard for American Avionics!!

Not only will it provide you energy it and aid the state economy; you can get it in rainbow, bubble gum and sour apple as well!!! Vote yes on prop 25 California!! Se habla espanol!!

Ok time for more selfies!!!!!!! \(*o*)/

New proto-type Chinese weapon stolen from classified Zorg R&D in LA!!

If you can't do it yourself then go ahead and pay some extra money to make it look nice!! Problem Solved!!

If you can't do it yourself then go ahead and pay some extra money to make it look nice!! Problem Solved!!

I'm sorry Mario but I can't do that!

So your telling me you have a ship the size of a US Frigate and and infinitely more advanced being run and maintained by a crew of five!!! The US Navy uses about 200 service men for a ship of that size. The future is awesome indeed to waste so much space that could be put to better use !! Even if it is fictional.

I like it but still not better then mine!

With all the bluster from the Russians these days most people in the area are scared but the fact of the matter is Russia is not the bogyman of old. With a combined US and NATO co-op the Russians would lose badly in an all-out war.