
I am a play station lover but for the PS3 to be you best all time platform is a bold statement. It was a good machine but with evident flaws. Not to mention a complete 180 from what we were told it would do. It took me some time to warm up to it and even then I was at best ok with it.

Come on NASA make this one happen!! I know you can do it!!

I served in both Afghanistan and Iraq! So I have some personal experience. Jackass!! Troll someone else!

From personal experiance from the last two wars most of the covet operations were via Blackhawks and Ospreys. The Chinook was more of a troop transport.

One less whale and one less experimental sub!!

I do love to see real artisans at work. Now off to spend my hard earned money on a dragon egg.

So then where did these colors come from?

Finally Doubles Figure Skating whenever I want it!!!!

Get out of my air and into my drinking water!!

Hey remember when Apple computers caught fire on a plane!? ....yeah me too...good times. I think we can do a campaign on that!! Whatcha think!?


Peter I have read this article and have come to one true conclusion. You are completely talking out your backside!

High school math is like the Old Testament God. It has a lot of rules and no mercy!

It works on cars with electrical keyless it was used on my car. So I am sure it will work on this.

Cool! Now I can work on a frequency cycling emitter to sell for forward thinking thieves to buy. They will get into the home without the key and no hassle or you can just tazzer it and fry the IC to let yourself in.

So they took crappy pictures and burned them. Then found something survived the fire and sold people on the idea that this is good? The trend of stupidity continues to astound me! Why is this even featured?

Good! Now I know where to shoot!!

Hate to break it to you but Voyager in real life would die on the first try if it were to land in a thick atmosphere environment as would any other Federation starship due to design flaws. The laws of thermodynamics show a curved surface is better at dissipating heat then the Voyager's leading knife edge design. Not

Sorry Sam but you had to try to hard for that. Maybe you need to look inside yourself and decide what side of the fence you are going to fall but taking this article into account I think we already know were that is!!