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Watch a little old (El Goog's latest I/O) here.

@AreWeThereYeti: I would get this over any tablet. I can do some serious text 'input' with this and charge my phone at the same time.

@Flail: it absolutely is, Google support sucks ass.

@Dougith: What if the only ISP I have available is AT&T ? am f**ked.

@Prostate of Grace: unless you can get 50% more performance from the S I don't see a reason to move to it.

@Techsage1029: more options, and options makes things more complicated. it's that simple.

@KamWrex: You obviously have no clue what you are talking about, take a look at the developers at XDA and you'll see that they move MUCH faster than manufacturers.

@ctxppc: Lucky there are like 3000000 other phones you can take your pick from.

Just wanna say Sam is a genius!

@junyo: lol if you say so, are you a saudi?

@darkfact001: A simple visit to the patriot act will solve all this confusion you are in.

@macgabriel87: Because his IQ is high enough to know how to run it.

@moonphrogg: no wonder why the world hates us, the likes of you are on the rise.

the only good side of this if it works on a windows 7 and using it on a couch.

@uncle_jojo: When you get an android device chack XDA developers to see what kind of things you can do with the device it is limitless just get a phone that you can root and powerful enough

@madmanmat: Nexus one is still being in production, they are only stopped selling it in Google Store(online). But media didn't care about that part.