@uncle_jojo: 30FPS limit, Sprint 4G is a joke, battery is very weak etc.. etc... check XDA developers EVO section forums then decide.
@uncle_jojo: 30FPS limit, Sprint 4G is a joke, battery is very weak etc.. etc... check XDA developers EVO section forums then decide.
@wiccamoon13: lol ofcourse
@Tetsuooooooo: So glad they did
@uncle_jojo: Do yourself a favor and don't get an EVO.
@LCL: They can't do that they all use iPawns
@shiben589: The second I installed any task killer app, alot of weird things start to happen, when I researched I was compiled to test so...
@mikeeeman: Well said, can't find adfree though.
Which means you have no idea what you are talking about, RESEARCH then post your useless articles.
@MazdaMania: I agree, Apple IS lowering the average IQ of human beings.
@LTMP: No they don't, they don't drop calls. that's the difference. or do this check the video
@Sambox: You need to watch the bear video.
@Senior Austin: That pretty much sums it up, I really would like to see them in court.
@deeddawg: All phones lose signal if you cup them but no one does that to make phone calls. the point is when you hold it normally does it drop calls ? if yes then there is a problem with the device. and generally from what you saying am guessing sprint is not the best network in your area?
@gijenny01: Google how much it cost MS to fix Xbox RROD.
@NuevoLeon: That's absolutely not the reason why people shouldn't compare a car with an iPhone.
@obnoxiosaurus: I see you believe in what you say, I guess to each his own. I still think there is nothing wrong with what happened the way I see it all government officials should stand up and talk their lungs out till the wrong becomes right. That's their job.
@daqman: I agree to that, I also think engadget is as well.
@dtemp: trust me no one needs a study to know what apple wants to do with this update.
lol who needs a study to find that out.
@egydarceyes: the market has 100k apps plus a browser with flash.