
haha that’s the first thing i noticed as well

*craving for Cane’s reaches unbearable level*

Apparently you weren't paying attention. As McParland has pointed out, plaid seats are awesome.

I'd say that the plaid seats are the only thing about the GTI that would make me want it over a Focus ST.

“Sure, I appreciate it, Dad. Giving me a football with my own autograph on it just seems a little odd.”

Good old Moran and Shapiro.

I actually have a coca-Cola shirt maade from bottles. It used 3 or four of them. Tbey print the kill count on the inside. You would never know it by feel however...

They don't save money on this by a long shot. It costs way more to gather, process, melt down and strain, and then weave the materials than it does to just throw away the bottle and start fresh.

For me, the greatest innovation in the future will be the recycling and reuse of all the waste we are producing. Until this country can deal with all the waste, especially petroleum based materials, we will continue battle environmental issues. I applaud the efforts of Unifi and Ford to make great use of something

They'll be announcing a program where you can swap your Model S for a VW Jetta TDI and a beard trimming kit.

Finally, Musk and his engineers have figure out how to wirelessly send power to the Model S using a combination of satellites, mirrors, and thousands of solar-powered lasers that charge the batteries using magic crystals and unicorn tears while the cars are in motion.

Everyone here keeps saying my name, I feel so popular!

It's also free on veggie bowls! Which I realize is sacrilege to some, but a bowl with both types of beans, the fajita veggies, and guac is pretty good!

Its not a race car, but calling a pass play from the one yard line in the final minutes of the Super Bowl instead of handing the ball off to a guy nicknamed "Beast Mode" is a pretty big gamble.

Pete Carroll's Wikipedia updated. WITH TRUTH.

"Sorry, but you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public".

It depends which direction you're the person you flash at is going. At least in Jersey flashing at someone going the same direction in front of you like a honk but flashing at someone coming the other direction lets them know to look out for cops

God forbid people actually be able to find the people they pay to protect them. It kills me how it seems more and more like the police exist solely to punish people after the fact and not to actually protect citizens and prevent crime in the first place. I mean, if they were more visible on the roadways they would

Gonna have not one, but TWO of these bad boys!!!!