

The state has an interest in discouraging other people from doing similar stuff that results in death. This applies to anything. Discouraging parents from doing risky things that result in death of their children is a good thing.

I was just coming down here to say that it really sounds like San Diego district attorney Summer Stephan fuckin’ suuuuuuuuucks.  Manslaughter - sure, I can buy that. But trying to claim actual homicide? FOH, you over-reaching bags of shit.

The charge might be, unless they can prove she had intent to kill but the putting the child in danger part seems fair to at least charge for something tied to the death.

I would question how the state is served by this prosecution. If someone commits murder, there is a state interest in locking that person up to protect the rest of the citizenry.

Yeah this is very much different than the insanity we’re going to see in red states to come.

I have the same struggle. If you want to talk about what a post-Dobbs world looks like, it’s probably wise to choose a case that was charged and prosecuted after Dobbs as opposed to over a year before the decision. There’s no evidence here that CA prosecutors would be treating this case any differently if Roe were

This is tragic but seems like prosecutorial overreach charging it this way

This is tricky. If you’re pro-choice then you have to hold that after a child is born, the parents are ultimately responsible for what happens.

Sir or Madame, one other thing that I would add to your comment, money and power.

Its really very simple, most Democrats believe in ethics, integrity, and believing people at their word.. And most republicans are essentially liars/cheats.. So when you have a situation where one side will use WHATEVER to get in office/power and one side that at least tries to be honest/ethical (with supporters that

The only way Republicans can win any election is through cheating.

Semenya was born female & deserves every right to compete, even with her hormone advantages against other females, just as men like the new NBA 1st pick with a significant height advantage can compete against other men.

Two months to retort, comrade? Your mom's shoulda swallowed. 

COVID really did a number of the film/tv industry (in addition to, you know, everyone and everything else).

Clarence Thomas’ aintshitness is epic & just think - this grimy mofo has secured a lifetime job with a guaranteed fat bag. (The money, not Ginni, well, her too but I digress) He figured out how to endear himself to white nationalists & never looked back. Now he is part of a gully ass group of unqualified, bigoted

Guaranteed government check for life no matter what you do, talk about a welfare queen. Yet, he doesn’t believe in sharing...

  Yes, he is. Amazing you need that explained to you. Is it because you're a stupid person?

Fuck this fool and the sow/wife he rode in on.  

Clarence Thomas is almost cartoonish in his malice and criminality. He is brazen and aggressive in thumbing his nose at the law in intent and actual statute. Scratch the surface and Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Alito are not far behind.