No. Not really. Jealous
No. Not really. Jealous
Why would he apologize, wasn't he dooped like everyone else?
I was thinking the same thing. You can't do that to a corps.
As the saying goes, stupid is what stupid does. That fits him to a tee.
I'm sorry but aren't they all using jets to get from a to b. It seems a little strange to just single him out.
Now that is a beautiful story. More like these please.
So. If the original people that did the original series ain't complaining then why are you?
But still fine as wine. Mmmm mmmm good.
I am from a state over. It has always been suspect about these little towns. They still on that 'don't let the sun go down on ya' bs. I hope they fry they a$$e$.
There is a saying, "what you put in you will get back".
KArma is a b!+%& ain’t it Trump.
My thing is she is a news anchor and she should have just stuck with telling the news instead of trying to be hip. She looked like a fool up their. Also, if you don't know the meaning of a word you are repeating on the air, then don't say it. She is to old and to educated to make that kind of mistake. SMDH.
To me if it's not taught why are they banning something that doesn't even exist. They are wasting tax payer money for a curriculum that's not taught. SMDH.
I ask myself the same thing every time I see your comments.
Sounds like the bitch is you just for calling that child a bitch. SMDH.
To me, it’s more about pointing fingers at each other when they are both wrong. America said nothing back in the day they let the cartels bring Crack in black neighborhoods but only started crying when it start hitting white hoods. Mexico is now mad because this incident showed just how much power the cartels have and…
That's because the people on the internet love to make stuff up. They have no life so they will talk bad about everyone else. The hospital called the friend because the young woman missed her appointment. Not because they were making a drug run. SMDH.
Wow. To each his own.
Thanks Lizzo for that video and song. Sometimes we just need to hear it.