Walker said this when talking about why he hasn’t agreed yet
Walker said this when talking about why he hasn’t agreed yet
Let’s start with not knowing your rights before travelling to RUSSIA!! The State Department for years has posted information with regards to rights and how to exercise them in Russia.
The more pressure on Walker the better. He will likely dodge the debates as he’s clearly not in a place to actually debate anyone. He’s hoping name recognition alone can carry him to the finish line.
Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way. Anyone who still likes Trump and his merry band of election deniers do not care about debates nor the truth. They have no interest in continuing in a functional society based on merit, truth, or equality. Anyone in the middle who even considers the possibility of voting for…
Increasingly the so-called backlash carries a stench of anti-blackness about it, and it’s coming from the Trans & Gay community. This is from someone who’s never been big on Dave Chappelle. I find most of the outrage manufactured, disproportionate, and opportunistic. Enough already!
Setting aside Chappelle’s specific situation, this is a lesson that society as a whole would do well to absorb. Social media is not real life. Something “blowing up” on Twitter or Instagram still represents a tiny sliver of our 330 million population, and mostly the sliver that lives in their phones.
You mean...20 something years ago?
It’s almost as if people that are very loud on twitter are not the same people that buy tickets to comedy shows...
Uhh, if it’s more or less confirmed he did it; let her the fuck go. She did your job assholes.
Is that all it takes to purge the racist cops from the department? More towns should try it!
Whatever attorney they get for dipshit is just going to squeal “He’s troubled!” and “Mental Health struggles.” and likely get five years on parole.
So, this brings up a good question. At what point do the “snitches get stitches” and “mind your own business” mantras need to be set aside? I mean, someone was standing right next to the punk who threw that second bottle and that person just cost everyone half a performance at a concert where tickets cost what?
What are these white people really angry about?
I will always find it interesting how people feel like it is okay to be hella disrespectful towards celebrities and it is okay because these celebrities are rich and famous. Knowing full-well if they were in these celebs’ shoes, they would throw a fit.
Just wait ‘til he realizes that different departments can compare notes... and that if he makse enough of a pain of himself in enough states, it might attract the interest of prosecutors in the no-parole Federal system.
Assholeistan springs to mind.
Fire every one of these cops that stood by while Sergeant Psycho committed multiple assaults. Make the officer who was assaulted the Police Chief. She’s the only one worth a shit.
If that happens and they decide to become one state, would it be called Flexas or Terda? Just curious.
Dear Florida; when Texas secedes, please go with it.
It’s very telling that most of the Black billionaires in the world were able to achieve their success in the United States of America. Not in Africa. Not in Europe. Not in Canada. Not anywhere else, but the United States of America.