
I too, still fuck with “Taken”.

My thoughts exactly, and not even an older teen at that. He appears to be about fifteen. If that’s the case, it’s a wonder that nobody in his company (family, friends, whoever) put his silly ass in check.

Dallas does not have the greatest track record with treating guests to their city well (but other than that Mrs Kennedy, how was the parade?). But this is not cool

i have so many questions. the fan looked so young - was he drinking? was he with family members who enabled this behavior? is he an entitled rich kid whose actions will probably never get in the way of going to a good college and getting a job? will the media outlets go through all his public pictures and finally

This is a sporting event. It’s supposed to be fun for everyone, players included. When fans get so charged up that they forget the GOAT they love and their families, are human, they push past the bounds of decency and treat them as objects. It is unfortunately emblematic of the uncivility of our times. And I fear it

Somebody tell these christians that Jesus was brown.

These are the very schools that conservatives pushing school choice and vouchers that take tax dollars away from public schools want to see those tax dollars (and their white kids) go to. Surprise, surprise.

A lot of these “Christian” schools started up after the supreme court ordered school desegregation. They set up private academies that if they were honest would have been called “Private School For Budding Young White Supremacists”, instead of hiding behind some religious veil. Virginia is full of private religious

This is why Ted Cruz is so upset about critical race theory being taught in schools because he doesn’t want it to interrupt their nurtured feelings and ideas of supremacy.

Oh look at that. White Christians reinforcing whiteness and white supremacy again. Who could have seen this coming? 

Agreed. At worst it was clumsily expressed, and he could have been a bit better in how he worded it, but I didn’t sense he was being a racist at that point. If anything I thought he was reaching out to other white people to explain something he was ashamed of and that other whites should be ashamed of.

LOVE how the writer talks about white arrogance illustrated by a script written by a black man.

Yeah, I mean MAYBE Neeson actually feels that way, but the fact remains he was working off a script.

Atlanta goes over MANY people’s heads. Some of the criticism misses the wry humor and social commentary.

Huh? Neeson didn’t make racist comments in 2019. He came clean in a story in 2019, about being a racist decades ago in the 70s. The alternative to telling the story is he could have just not.. and we never would have known. But he came clean about it and the growth he experienced in the decades after.

We can all scream our heads of about Texas and the killing of Roe vs Wade, but two numbers: [A] 100. the number of comments on this article will remain below it. This is a harbinger of [b]: 60%. The MINIMUM percentage of people of color that won’t vote, is vehemently opposed to voting, who brainwashed by racists that

Yep. Alito’s main argument is “abortion isn’t mentioned in the Constitution Texas thinks bringing back slavery will have a good shot with this SCOTUS. Not joking, not exagerating, since the word “slavery” isn’t in the Constitution.

Friends of mine think I’m kidding, but at the rate this is going, I wouldn’t doubt some Right Wing Southern Senator at some point begins to loudly, proudly and with bogus legal argument will begin to make arguments for the return of slavery. I know it sounds like Hyperbole now, but a year ago I would have thought the

All this time they are trying to argue that a zygote and a fetus are a person.. and now they want to challenge a ruling that basically hinges on the idea that immigrant children are, in fact, “persons”.  JFC

i wasn’t even in a small town, and i can say that the quality of education in Texas is already not something to cheer for; it sucks, plainly. but still, non-stop malice from these guys, and they don’t even have to hide it anymore. gross, sad, abhorrent.