Blame your overly confident, trucker hat cohorts for thinking they could sit in their Lay-Z-Boy and let the election handle itself. They figured their Commander in Thief had everything in the bag and they had nothing to worry about. Their hubris is also why their insurrection thankfully failed.
Good. Serves his janky ass right. He really thought he could brag about his crimes and no one would turn his ass in didn’t he?
This is exactly why Universal puts sample seats outside of the queue for rides like this - people can test to see if they fit without the embarrassment.
This is getting so tiring that nobody wants to comment on these incidents anymore. They’re being normalized, and it’s illegal not to give badge numbers, names, etc. when someone is murdered. Why are these pigs being held to a different standard? They’re being protected by other wypipo, and who was that MF who said…
While Scott’s suggestion that he’s proof that “conservatism” “lifts Americans of color” may be technically true,
At some point, Uncle Tim is gonna realize they only trot him out for “black stuff,” right? I mean, he must be cool with that being his role, I guess?
Exactly. Obama had to pull us out of the nosedive that Bush and his administration left us in, and Biden had to do the same when it came to COVID. It’s just too bad that half the American populace think that freedom = ME rather than freedom = WE, and couldn’t be bothered to do things like wear a fucking mask or get…
He doesn’t want the white kids to have to learn about slavery, segregation, or Jim Crow but meanwhile the white parents are teaching them that blacks are lazy, unintelligent , and looking for handouts because of course we have always had the same opportunities as them.
Lawd, they are trying to have these kids grow up being ig’nit shit-heads. They won’t teach them about racism and other forms of bigotry, but I betcha these kids will know to call black people n(bleep)gers, if they’re angered.
His death was totally preventable. The moment of when the ride’s operator knew that he had to manually strap Tyre into his seat, the operator should’ve told him that he couldn’t get on the ride.
Why are random articles being hyper linked?
The generic voting population is exceptionally short-sighted, with the memory of a goldfish, so they’ll quickly forget just how bad Trump was and just how important it was that Biden will beat him, but I think this whole thing depends on 1) if Trump runs again (I’m not so sure he will) and 2) how the Russia/Ukraine…
Really makes you wonder what is up with the state of South Carolina when both their senators are such power bottoms
He may be the least-worst candidate, but if Trump’s legally able to run again (not imprisoned, not slapped with a felony, etc.), then I weep for the GQP mess that this country will become again when he wins again. If people hate Biden enough, they’ll vote for Trump again just for something different/because Trump’s…
The Dems have to figure some things out. I think we all thought Joe would be a 1 term president due to his age. The obvious choice of his successor was Kamala, but (right or wrong) she’s polling too low for that to be a viable option. I don’t want Joe to run again, but outside of him I don’t see a clear candidate. I’m…
Hillary Clinton has people in the Democratic party who are critical of her. In your own point, you mention the more leftist members of the Democratic party. They are often criticized by other Democrats. The Democrats aren’t a monolith.
Could someone make that joke today? Yeah, probably given the ease with which you can find t-shirts for the “Caucasians” sports team online. But, as you say, that’s satire, and satire can have legs. But that’s satire that “punches up”, as they say. Remember when Stephen Colbert got in trouble for satirically talking…
There’s plenty of racism all around. But the Democrats aren’t the party of white supremacy. That’s the Republicans. They’re the ones flashing their white power symbols and nazi salutes. They’re the ones that have the supporters with the confederate and nazi flags. They’re the ones fighting so hard to keep any teaching…