Hatred and evil rot you from within.
Hatred and evil rot you from within.
And end up proving both! SMFH
Unfortunately, he’ll probably get hired at the next town over.
Racists simply can’t keep their mouth shut. Whatever daddy issues they have, they will -always- seek out fellow racists and because they have no concept of..you know, not dropping hints, they always out themselves and joy of joys, there are plenty of people on the net who will follow those hints and expose them.
That stuck out to me too, among other things. The justified mental gymnastics is jaw dropping.
It really just comes down to hate. He’s a hate filled POS and now he’s a hate filled POS without a job. Fuck ‘em.
No wonder they are so hateful...he looks fucking horrid for 46.
It’s also funny how these assholes always complain about how “the blacks” don’t take responsibility for anything yet they put responsibility for shit white people do on said “blacks.”
WHOA! That is a rough 46!
Racists and supremacists want to explain their rationale and will seek out platforms on which to do it, they want to convince you that they’ve figured it out, like some intellectual booby prize. It’s like this strange urge to show you that they’re not crazy or stupid and certainly not both.
I have always supported the idea of police having to carry liability insurance, just like an anesthesiologist. This would greatly reduce all of these “Quick Draw McGraw” shootings as well as prohibit them from resigning just to be hired elsewhere in the capacity of a police officer. If insurance companies had to pay…
Hatred and evil rot you from within.
Organization that was originally formed to capture runaway slaves is full of racists. In other news, large body of water appears to have fish in it.
First of all, ALL the cases in the dept he was in charge of need to be gone over with a fine tooth comb.
This is probably the best thing about Gab and other far right social networks (a low bar, I know): racists and anti-semites in positions of power are often very bad about concealing their identities.
Preach. This shit is exhausting.
Who even has the energy left to give a shit?
Para-social relationships can be a pain in the ass. Fans can become “comfortable” and become reckless with their mouths and overstep boundaries.
Cardi B been having issues with spouting off dumb shit on social media. I’m sure she’ll be sneaking back on eventually because she loves the attention.
Seriously, I don’t know how today’s crop of celebrities know how to exist with social media being tied with their fame.
Important to note: part of the plea deal for the sentence was that she could not appeal to have to sentence reduced once it was decided. That’s likely why this went the way it did.