
I’m a Black female Senior Citizen. She didn’t flash an AARP Card. Those cards are bright red and are clearly marked “AARP”(and boy are those HANDY!). It’s not a Medicare Card, either—actual Medicare cards are Red, White and Blue. It doesn’t appear to be a Medicare Advantage Card either. Those do not have a hole in


Pet peeves are different than bothering people, we all have them. I can’t stand when people allow their dogs to crap all over the dog park and not pick it up. Guess what I’m not doing? Getting up in their business about it. This fossilized Becky felt the need to bother an adult about something that didn’t concern her.

She pulled out her card to prove And in fact that she is, a white person and can do whatever she wants.

Hence their utter and complete shock and surprise when their kids finally reveal that Daddy, Granddaddy and Brother were raping them every night as they bathed and tucked them in bed! They’re living in average-size houses, washing the sheets and the underwear and having sex for decades with white men but somehow

I think it is good practise to have that phone out and filming as soon as a potential situation starts, so it becomes “her word against herself” and not “your word against hers”, you never know when Karen will escalate and by the time the cops/uniformed thugs arrive it is too late - MAGA wypipol will say, “If no crime

I agree partly, but I’m stuck on this all being over him wanting to eat his gummies. That’s not worth the energy it takes to record her psycho bullshit. Pulling out the ID would have had me dying laughing, completely incapacitating my ability to take her seriously.

Nah son. You pull that phone out, make sure you are filming in high def and you get -everything- you can and when you get a chance, you upload it.

I guess I’ve been dealing with Beckys (I refuse to use the name Karen outta’ respect for my cousin) all wrong; my interactions usually go a liitle something like this:

I mean for every one these that makes TikTok of FB there’s about 10 that you don’t hear about. I can’t keep track of how many times I’ve walked away rather than telling Linda or Karen to mind her fucking business and stay in her lane because I just know they waiting for me to say something so than can call 911

Bus Pass Betty needs to mind her own fucking business!

I hope people screamed at this idiot to put on her mask and shut the fuck up!

White people always want to find petty shit Black people may or may not be doing wrong while entire felonies are occurring right under their nose. 

“Showed her his receipt.”

The viral video has gotten over 1.8 million views, been liked more than 160,000 times and commented on by more than 1,900 people since it was posted.”

^^^Does anybody EVER care about this type of information?

Are we sure that’s not Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell in drag?..It just looks too much like him.. (and certainly acting like him).

Maybe it was her musician union ID card.

Impersonating an officer is an actual crime.  Lock her up.

You doubt my authority? This card is just two punches away from a free frozen yogurt.