

TBF he really isnt that great of an actor though. I totally forgot he was in true detective until he started airing all of this on twitter.

“Fuck dem keedz.” - GQP

oh this doesn’t scream pandering, “sorry we didn’t let you kneel but as a peace offering we’ll book some of ‘your’ musicians for the halftime show” move by the Ginger Hammer at ALL.  LOL

The kids and the teachers are being sacrificed on the alter of capitalism. Businesses must be open! Schools must be open, so the parents can go to work at the businesses.  Yes, some people will get sick, and some will even die, but businesses must open! 

That schedule would be golden, primarily out of selfishness. I hate mornings. I’ve always hated mornings. Pre-kids, I could work anywhere from 9AM-6:00PM and it was awesome. However, since I have to get my kids to school by 730 and daycare closing hours have always put a cap a on my day, I have to be a morning person.

Same, and yup. But that would’ve made sense, which is exactly why we didn’t 

...but they were only following orders.

High school teacher here. It’s insane that we didn’t go remote the first two weeks after Christmas. There would be so many more kids in school today if we hadn’t made them come back so soon after the holidays.

Even in normal times school is framed around what’s best for adults rather than kids: If schools cared that much they wouldn’t have kids waiting for the bus at 6:30am so they could get to school for the start of classes at 8am. Classes would start more like 10am and go until 5ish.

Give Texas back to Mexico, and THEN build the wall...”

The easiest way to pretend that they’re not suppressing the vote is to limit the supply of applications. The applications will be readily available in white neighborhoods the same way voting machines are plentiful in white neighborhoods, which was the point.

Well, no one ever blamed Texas of being subtle. About as understated as a Roland Emmerich vehicle.

Not just the number of people but the TYPE of people

Gee how convenient. A limited supply of forms and no online registration. It’s almost like they’re trying to limit the number of people who get to vote. What a surprising turn of events.

Fuck this fuckshit. Give Texas back to Mexico, and THEN build the wall, after you declare all Texans are now Mexicans. That will blow their minds.

2021 is holding 2022's beer.

Rest well Andre and thank you for showing us what we knew: Black is Beautiful. Oh Anna Wintour, sit this one out.

 Lol the racist spam troll is coping hard with this one.