
Oh, I see, he’s somehow a “street” billionaire who makes his kids keep it “real”?

Get some therapy, you goofy fuck.” - best advice he will ever get, also, the most accurate take on his sad ass limp dick life

Threatening to kick Pete Davidson’s ass is embarrassing and it doesn’t rhyme.

I am so looking forward to seeing this. The Tragedy of MacBeth is the first play by Shakespeare I read. Actually, it was read to my by my 10th-grade high-school teacher decades ago. Will be interested in seeing Francis McDormand and a mad Lady MacBeth. May watch it on this MLK holiday.


Kanye is that dude u can’t help but chuckle at. Kim seems to have moved on and he’d like us to think he did too, but he can’t help but try to get our attention by referencing her in every other song. Forget him being a Republican(though i still shudder at the memory of him standing up and hugging a seated Trump), I

I never really got what he and Trump bonded over, but it’s so obvious once you think about it.

They’re raging narcissists who can’t function unless they’re in the limelight, while complaining that no one could understand the pressure of being such a genius.

So naturally we keep giving them attention for some stupid

Anyone else think that Viola Davis would be an absolutely chilling Lady Macbeth?

Bet money he’s forgotten that part of it already! In his mind he was a hero betrayed by his own. I wrote him off far in advance of “slavery was a choice” and you’d best believe that little fandango had me congratulating myself on my forsight.

star given just for the term “Goofy fuck”

Without reading this article...
Let me guess, Kanye blames everyone BUT himself?
*checks article*
Ah...of course. Attacking the children was a nice touch as well
(even though he went a whole two seasons without getting engaged to Kim because he was hoping for some accident to occur...BUT HEY!) 

He was a better person when he was on his meds and didn’t smile.  Both he and Brittney need drugs and supervision.

Kanye left behind the NWA/Death Row Records/50 Cent toxicity/trolling phase and has entered the Dr Dre/Puffy/Ja Rule phase of physically intimidating/threatening people he doesn’t like.

Add to that, I’m not feeling any of his choice of friends. How can any Black person in his right mind befriend Candace Owens?

Ye damned sure an’t anyone’s friend. He’s the same egotistical non-educated asshole he’s always been, empowered first by a mother who never reigned his ass in and who he couldn’t even be arsed to watch over post surgery and later by Kim and crew whom fed his ego and let run wild until finally they had made them all of

“Slavery was a choice.” Cooning with Trump. Now talking about hanging with Putin. Don’t sound like any friend I ever had.

“Noncustodial dad. I bought the house next door. What you think the point of really bein’ rich for?”

Fuck this guy ever since his belief that slavery was a choice.  He should have been ‘cancelled’ a long time ago, but somehow he wasn’t...I blame his connection to the all powerful Kardass-ians for keeping him in the spotlight.  They can all go to hell.

“Somebody check on our good friend, Ye.”

They looked so lovely! I especially loved the Alonuko dress because of the true “nude” fabric in which Danielle was a beautiful, chocolate goddess. Yes to Black/Africana folk supporting wonderful Black businesses of exquisite quality. I wish the family a long, healthy, loving, respectful and kind togetherness. The