
What difference would a year or two make? This wasn’t heat-of-the-moment teenage stupidity, this was pre-meditated murder. 16-17 year olds are plenty capable of understanding how heinous that is. Turning 18 does not magically confer special maturity or insight that murder is wrong.

Every single legal charge is skewed by racism in some way. Since it’s systemic there is no escaping it. Hard to muster much sympathy for people who planned and executed a murder over nothing. Even if they are under-age.

This is a poorly-written article.  I can’t tell who is saying what!  Is it click-bait, because who cares about these things anymore?  Talk about tired subjects.  Hmmm...

Don’t really care about what’s going on in the Chapelle and Boosie issue it’s been run into ground we tired of hearing about it. But seriously, who is Azealia Banks?

I am generally opposed to trying children as adults, and exceedingly skeptical of what passes for justice in Florida, but I think I am good with this.

I mean, I don’t think anyone is in here idolizing her. More of this kind of situation:

Just homophobia and transphobia rearing its great big ugly head again until it gets kicked back into the darkness.

For me, the concept of homophobes and their attempts at controlling the lifestyles of gays and lesbians will always share the same boat with the concept of men hating “hoes” and their choices while attempting to make/force/cajole “good women” into doing hoe-activities. 

“Whew. Like I said earlier, she’s not always right but when she is, she’s right on time.”

They’re still around? I thought we got rid of them after the Obama’s Netflix deal.

Love the guy.. admire him. One bold act without fanfare has caused so much disruption. This is what true activism is all about!

Another thing to expect, angry Facebook comments from white people about canceling their subscriptions

That double standard with free speech is a bit disturbing to me, especially when Dave keeps reminding us he is being held out of the office (as he never walked into an office for something else than getting a cashwallet).

Digging himself deeper and deeper into his giant pile of cash! Do you idiots really have such a hard time seeing that he doesn’t give a fuck because more people like him than hate him?

Dave shouldn’t do this. If anyone listens to his show, they know that he was not attacking the LGBTQ community. A trans comedian, who was a friend of Dave’s, was attacked by the LGBTQ community after a show she did with Dave which led to her suicide. Dave cautioned members of the LGBTQ community to think twice about

Half the commenters on this site apparently 

I mean, how is this any different from any artist? What a blessing to reach the level of “I like their earlier work”. He’s an artist who makes what he wants, and for whatever the kids think about his recent work, you can’t argue with the fact that he is getting as much or more attention now than he ever has, and

You really are trying to drag this story.....

DaBaby, perhaps.

It makes perfect sense that this fucking twat can’t comprehend that a mother and wife is dead, and this is a tragedy.