
Shitty take, my man. I'm 51. I've said racist, sexist, and homophobic shit, and I'm ashamed that I ever said that kind of shit. But you know what? I was an ignorant, immature 19 year old when I began to grow out of it, expand my bubble to encounter different people, and generally become a better person. Gruden was a

 I had a conversation related to this with a dude who says we're getting soft as a society because you can't say anything anymore. My response: why do you want to be able to say reckless shit? Why is that a net gain for society? He had no rational response.

Every time one of the these Republican fucks starts on about the rAdIcaL leFtIsTS I just wanna smack the shit out of them. Like, fuck you man.

But you tell me which person, personality, athlete, politician hasn’t said something racist, derogatory, misogynistic ..... The only difference is they never got caught, yet.”

I don’t talk that way, he was a middle aged man and those emails are compiled over a span of 10 years. how much slack are you gonna give Gruden or do you not find it offensive ?

He was 48 years old when he was saying this and it continued well into his 50's ? Are you chalking it up to immaturity ? Cmon man

“Rational thought.” About an activity where grown men fuck up their bodies and their brains over a ball.

My fav President is named Obama, so he a fuckin lie already. Orange face bastid. 

Well sure, that and the fact that he has 10 years of racist emails 

LOL, I love how he envisions this growing into a mega tech corp that will rival ALL of the biggest names. And he’s gonna do all this by hiring the worst sycophantic grifters and morons he can find, and then not paying them.  This will be a spectacular trainwreck.  Who wants to bet how long total collapse takes?  I’m

“We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced,”

Will it also have blackjack and hookers?

The coaching tree for me is the most damning part of this. Bill Walsh, The real greatest coach of all time, always felt it was important to have a diverse staff of assistants. He explained it was because he felt that black men needed to see a person in position of authority correcting their mistakes, holding them

Gruden’s behavior was certainly at the time something people should have taken more note of, when he arrived back in Oakland he quickly got rid of Reggie McKenzie who was pretty universally respected as a player personnel guy throughout the NFL and replaced him with Mike Mayock who was not on anyone’s radar as being a

Well, if history is any guide, we know that the extent to which Trump has under-promised and will over-deliver is rivaled only by how wildly successful this venture will be. I can’t wait to take a highly leveraged position the likes of which haven’t been seen since the Duke brothers cornered frozen concentrated orange

It will fail for the same reason Parler failed, which was because there were no liberals for all of them to fight with.

This is gonna be an epic shitshow.

Get a clue.

The designer is American, and American culture is a pretty successful export, so it’s not like people in other countries aren’t aware of lynchings, burning crosses and other Murican delights.

Racism aside, the desire to be edgy is dumb. Death isn’t beauty or fashionable.