
What I find disturbing is how she is getting attacked and James and the writers are not. It now occurs to me though, given her other program (the one that is good), this may be coordinated by the COS.That would fit their playbook, Twitter has the bonus of anonymity... then I’m reminded some people are just a-holes who

The only one of those examples that work is Law and Order, which fired Richard Brooks and Dann Florek after a few seasons specifically to bring some women into what had been an all-male cast. All your other examples are ones where the actors chose to leave.

Bewitched replaced Darren because Dick York was physically unable to work anymore, not because they wanted to bring in another actor for no good reason. It’s a completely different situation from this. This is CBS, which has a history of getting rid of women and replacing them with others, while men stay put. (See:

“Some would say traitor?”

The original protesters are nazis with citronella tiki torches

Looks pretty fucking racist to me!

This isn’t something along the lines of a holocaust memorial, most of these statues were put up to celebrate the Confederacy and the righteousness of their cause, they serve as symbols of white supremacy (as shown by the events today), they’re about re-writing history not remembering it. The people who champion these

It was really more the fact that they were saying nazi chants and racist things that makes them racists....

When a bunch of white supremacists show up wearing swastikas, t-shirts with quotes by Adolf Hitler, throwing sieg heil salutes and chanting slogans like “blood & soil,” it doesn’t make them any less racist to say “oh, they were just there to defend a statue of a slaveholding traitor.”

Does that automatically make all of them racists?

Are you that obtuse or do you just think the rest of us are? Anyone joining with Nazis and the KKK to protest the removal of a statue is not just protesting the removal of a historical statue. They’re racists protesting the removal of a historical statue because they’re racists. The statue they’re protecting is a

Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.

Why do people seem to think that “I made this work” translates to “Everyone can make this work.”

Yep. And financing was even easier. In the end, I think I paid an extra $15/month or something for a phone that helped me get a better job. I had to violate a ton of financial “rules” to do it, but it was obviously a good decision in my case. And, frankly, it’s easy to understand how a smartphone could provide

That’s definitely a big problem. The one I faced a lot was always smartphones.

And get fired by your manager for upsetting a “loyal costomer."

Crime fiction shows like Law & Order SVU, CSI, and Bones, like ID, all boast a majority of women viewers, and as early as 2008, universities nationwide were attributing the surging amount of women in forensics programs to the “CSI effect” of seeing women represented on television as scientists and detectives.

Re: the Cunts. For a while, my parents loved to tell the story of how my dad loved to tell me to ask any given waiter for a fork and spoon when I was a toddler. I couldn’t pronounce fork and spoon correctly, because I was like 2, and apparently I would politely request a “fuckin’ poon,” and my dad thought it was

The movie theater story reminded me of one of my own. One time getting popcorn at a local multiplex, the (obviously new) teenage girl behind the counter asked me “Would you like a golden shower with that?” causing me to pause significantly before confirming that I would like some butter-like topping. While she was