This is about a streamer, who fucked up. Now people want him to lose his job and go to jail because he was committing a crime in a restroom.
This is about a streamer, who fucked up. Now people want him to lose his job and go to jail because he was committing a crime in a restroom.
Showing off your own body to a willing audience isn’t the same as invading random bystanders’ privacy.
So, women dressing how they want and people looking at them is a bigger problem to you than recording people in a public restroom without consent? Slap yourself.
The question is whether they NEED to. I mean it’s supposed to all be about the algorithms, right? If Netflix hasn’t taught its algorithms to infer gender identity from viewing habits, does that actually change anything about what they’re doing? Netflix knows that a lot of my viewing on their platform is B-grade action…
Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly…
The revenue model for “traditional” movies still relies heavily on DVDs and streaming. Box office is not always the biggest chunk. Why is this important? Because anti-streaming rhetoric typically depends on glorifying the theatergoing experience over all others, but people watch tons of movies at home, for a variety…
Twitter: where Watson can’t call a liar a fucking liar, but that liar should be able to call the foremost cave expert of the rescue location a pedophile and be forgiven for it.
What? Do you understand what a pun is? This is the equivalent of somebody in middle school being mad at you and calling you “queer” just because it’s the best insult they could think of.
altruistic billionaire. perhaps the universe’s ultimate oxymoron.
I think sometimes it’s that. I think other times you get people who have spent their whole lives being rich and important, such that no one was ever in a position to tell them they were being a jerk and they should take a breather before they get a knuckle sandwich. The latter are the type that are usually born on 3rd…
You’re right, she should have called him a pedo instead. Only a fine, upstanding person would do that.
Torch, well-done. You nailed the tone and content perfectly. What the phuck IS this guy’s deal?
If you are genuinely interested in an answer to this (and not just an Elon fanboy), Zeynep Tufekci ( has been covering the issue well.
“Also, keep in mind that, when it comes to actually helping those kids escape from that flooded cave, Elon Musk provided exactly as much help as I did.”
His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.
Two and a half years later, this movie still leaves me breathless. I saw it seven times when it first hit theaters, an eighth time when it came back in IMAX 3D, and a ninth when the black & chrome version got its brief theatrical release. If it ever comes back to theaters, I’ll go again. I love when films can elicit a…
Killing Angharad is one of the ballsiest and nastiest things I’ve seen in a long time. As you note, it’s timed brilliantly (the audience is still digging that thumbs up). But the knife twist is deeper — why do we think she has immunity? Because she’s pregnant. If only on a story level, we are valuing her not as a…
I’m no lady, but it seems to me that Max is the platonic ideal of a feminist ally. When he first encounters Furiosa and the wives he takes them seriously, treating them with the same level of distrust and hostility that he does Immortan Joe’s warboys, and after Furiosa points out that the only way he’s going to escape…
As much as I’d love a sequel and as much as Theron deserves another go at her most iconic character, I think we’ll be okay if one never materializes. I’d definitely not want to see one done by another director. And in a culture where almost every even sorta successful property gets sequel-ed and bled for every…