@corymann1: Snap! +2
@corymann1: Snap! +2
Must be some damn good compositions!
A roll or two of duct tape should do the trick.
Hold on I've got a call........................
@gthing: Fuck yes, I totally concur. Sony is trying to recoup the bazillions they paid MJ and his family wants a cut.
If someone ever designs a sperm-dropping clock, there won't be enough hands on it to describe my losses.
Sony owns the rights and ownership of said MJ work. Sony paid MJ a butt-load of cash for it. They have the rights to do whatever they want with it; a deal is a deal. The man was paid.
Incredible video. Just. Incredible.
@Tristan: "...panned out this way?"
Did the doctor drop this guy after birth or did his head get stuck in an olive press?
I think the diapers keep your junk from floating up and smackin' you in the jowls in zero-G.
This is one ugly guitar; sell it to the French.
@crackel: Sean didn't ask for a buakke video.
Did She? Will She? Is She? Yes? No?
One-two hundred years from now when they retrieve the Spirit to take it back to Earth and install it in the Smithsonian, we'll all smile in our cryogenic freezers.
Omni allowed me to get my nerd on. Thanks Bob for the memories and RIP.