@Ri_L is Team Squidward: That is a beautiful thing to say Squid. Thanks.
@Ri_L is Team Squidward: That is a beautiful thing to say Squid. Thanks.
The first time I tried to talk to my folks about being gay, we left far apart and didn't really speak to each other for ten years.
Minecraft is an addicting game.
@BigLundy: ants and then
Must have Badger app..must have Badger app..must get badger app now..must eat cheese soon..shes..cheese..badgery cheese..bacon..brats..cheese..badger..more beer..badger beer..badger brats..badger my friends...back to sleep now my little badgers.
I'm not sure I could write about getting my pussy eaten or swallowing a load on a pink typewriter. Dated.
@CMYKfellow: Thanks for tipping them off...twice.
If you're worried about potential employers seeing your drunken exploits on ShitFacedbook, delete your account, get the job, then re-instate it.
Get 20 best friends.
I say send a nuke after now so we are better prepared and tested when the day comes of an impending, potential disaster with an asteroid. Just saying...
From: The Vatican
Try gargling with apple cider vinegar as another way to better health. I've known some folks who swear by drinking it, too. Stuff tastes horrible, even watered down a bit. But it works.
@jaunzems.elvijs: Listed under "rabid lesbians."
The best thing that could happen from all of this intrusive behavior by the US govt. would be to repeal the Patriot Act completely and thoroughly and give Americans their privacy back.
Ahh, if you can't get them to cooperate; kill them with kindness.
The Betty White episode aside (which was brilliant) SNL shows how desperate Americans are for a laugh in times of woe.
This is just not worth the time...
I remember when Evil Knievel thought he could jump the Snake River Canyon...at least he brought a parachute.