@natanku: +1 I love this.
@natanku: +1 I love this.
@WolfCobra13: No, remember they confiscated all the trailer homes and said they were gonna recycle them to make soda pop cans...the burqa store is the former Toys R Us store.
I wouldn't tremble too much shooter.
@WolfCobra13: Yeah. Remember that trailer park over on East Rahmiiin when they came in and seized if for govt use?
@Garion: Hilarious! I laughed so hard my wooden dentures flew out of my mouth, across the room, striking and killing a man at Starbucks. Details at 11.
I was of the impression after watching the video it was being made for The Porn Channel with the tatted guy's language. What the flock was up with that?
Nothing beats an arc of flames flying out of your ass. Makes for great conversation the next day over lunch.
Is Operation Sodoma Spanish for anal sodomy with large bombs?
I never thought I could make money using a vacuum. I thought they were only good for cleaning the floors and cheap bj's!
The US floats reactors under the sea in their fleet of submarines, on the sea with flat-tops and such, so what's the big deal about this?
I am substitute teaching in Arizona and they canceled recess today (and the last couple of days) because of a heat advisory.
I'm not ashamed I was born with a penis, but this guy kinda gives me a yucky feeling about it.
Lookit the rack on that thing!
Maybe the Beeb should have a throwdown with this Dalton gal. I'm sure Dalton would kick his/her ass and then his/her entourage would beat her to a pulp.
@pleppy: She gets to kill two birds with one stone. Not lose her stash and masturbate all-in-one.
And I thought watching golf on tv was boring, this is worse than watching paint dry.
This would make masturbating very interesting.
When she says, "We-e-e-e-e!" after tossing several pups in the river, I want to beat her senseless, toss her unconscious soul in the river and say, "We-e-e-e-e!"
Paris chews gum??!!?!