
WOW, they have a veiwing audience as stupid and shallow across the big pond just like we do? I'm stuffed!

So much talent.

@ides: Great point ides, I was thinking the same when I heard her blathering it out.

I've reached the point where it is pointless to watch the View anymore because someone on the panel will state something so outrageous or stupid and I'm not there to stuff a shoe in their mug.

When I die, I want to come back as a panda bear. What a rich life and so huggable.

Ever take a spike to the choppers at a backyard BBQ?

I guess Jesus will have to go back up on the cross now that Madonna is done with him?

@NOlita89: Nope. Hookers. Tweeny hookers.

@HannahBethD: I think the spring in the seat he was on was jabbing him up the arse.

@stacyinbean: "little twink nugget" that's funny! Can I carry him around in my pants pocket!

Did Gaga get drunk and fall asleep in a puddle of urine? Her colorist should be shot, drawn and quartered.

@Casquivana: I promote this comment and your motive, Dhani is an apple in my eye.

@sejickah: Twiggy is sexy and smells good, too. We shopped for little girl dressess once along time ago.

Swifty's voice, at this point and time, makes my mangina itch.

@Tippi Hedren: Please enlighten on how one gets accidentily shit-faced. Inquiring readers want to know...