
@Penny: Fed Ex might

@OldTomato: Order in food if you can or explain your situation to a friend and ask them to bring some over. Any friend who has had a pet and gone through this will understand, I know I would. It is all-encompassing grief before and after. Reach out and ask for some assistance just like you did here. People will

@OldTomato: I been there to many times to recount. It sucks. It never gets easier and I swear I won't put myself in the position again. But I keep going back, again and again.

@Understater: Ummm...pretty much anything with an accent gets me whiffled.

I'm beginning to think with the jai-normous Moon tonight, Mars in the Vodka house, it's time for Ruby Red and Grey Goose...can I get a witness?

Was it a poot fart, a left-cheek-sneak or a braaaaap! fart?

I think the Big Bad Wolf got a wolfie.

The dress and the doo would look awesomely hot on Bjork.

Kudos to you all for being so open for discussion about this topic.

I don't think there is enough room here for me to explain how big a prick this guy is, in so many ways.

When I was a young gay boy, my friends and I used to swipe my mom's & sister's "tam-poons" as we called them to use them in nefarious ways to our entertainment. Don't ask.