
If Charles' acting is anything like his golf swing, we're all in deep shit.

Sisqo's over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder is ummmm, gross.

It is more important kids get fed, not fed answers.

I hope I'm not committing a cross-posting sin (from my Gawker post):

@soulcanhope: What about the Brazil nuts for the appetizer?

Nice, wonderful nasal nosh!

What's the buzz...tell me whatsa happenin'?

@sshafer86: Ask Al Gore, he knows everything.

I love how these hypocritical, religious fucksticks preach hate and bigotry in foreign countries and then act shocked and backpedal from their Ugandan co-patriots of hate when their agenda welcomes death to gays.

@pileofmonkeys: How about taking them out for a play session or walk to tire them out?

@Miss Scarlett: I was laid off day before T-day, be thankful you're employed even though it sucks.

@Tartan_Tart: Yes, he is and looks a lot like Christian Bale, too.

The Jackson Family: Nobody Cares. Go cash your checks.

Note to Randy Jackson: Nobody cares. Go cash your check.

Balloon Boy Dad: Prison sex. Make money from it.