
What about Mark Wahlberg in The Happening? That was one of the most egregious examples.

I'd be down if the films expanded on what we saw in The Animatrix in some way, but Neo wouldn't need to be involved per se.

I sincerely hope not. The future element is what universally kills that franchise. Not a single future plot line has ever interested me in those games.

Wow. This is way better. Also now I want to see an entire film where Jean-Ralphio is Spider-Man.

I love that. I know it's just an opening, but it works so much better.

Tammy, The Identical and TF4 all deserve spots on this list and A Million Ways to Die wasn't all that bad, but I can't really disagree with any of the rest of the entries.

It's pretty much impossible not to read that in Phil Hartman's voice. That show was gold.

"Maybe below the cockles. Maybe in the sub-cockle area - maybe in the liver. Maybe in the kidneys… maybe even in the colon. We don't know."

Sure sure. Again, I was simply repeating what Padgett said. I'm not familiar with Ligotti's work myself. At the same time, I can see how people might view this series in a different light knowing that Cole's ideas and some of his dialogue are from another work altogether.

I'm not slamming the show here (I have my own nitpicks, but that's another story). I was just clarifying what these allegations were about. A lot of people seemed to be assuming this was about wholesale copying (a straight up litigable offense) as opposed to lifting ideas (which could be seen as lazy writing).

I don't think the argument is so much that Pizzolatto should be fined or "busted" for his use of Ligotti's work, but that perhaps the supposed unbridled praise of the show's brilliance might be reined in a bit.

I get the impression that the whole "Janet is black" casting choice is very intentional. Part of it is to make a statement, I'm sure, that casting is irrelevant and that the whole thing is a total non-issue. But now that I think about it, I wonder if it's a stand-in for what Louis C.K. gets asked all the time in real…

I had no idea Pamela Adlon was Bobby Hill. Just yelled at my screen for not realizing it sooner.

Or shades of "When the Whistle Blows" on Extras.

Ha! I like the analogy, despite my knowing next to nothing about ICP as a band.

That's very specific.

Hey look - if you get something out of Grandma's Boy (and apparently a large percentage of the public does), then that's great! I just found it stupid, offensive, and utterly inane in craft and execution. But the beauty of opinion about film is that everyone's got one, and they're all valid.

I've seen quite a few films, thank you - Grandma's Boy still sits at the bottom of the barrel. Although I will admit that The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It is a very close second.

Precisely! For example, how does one assess any critical rating of The Room? Or Trolls 2? Or any so-bad-it's-good film? So many factors to account for.

I refuse to acknowledge that Grandma's Boy isn't the worst movie I've ever had to sit through in my life, just as millions will swear up and down that The Boondock Saints is garbage (whilst I absolutely disagree).