
"On the eve of the sixth-season finale, much of that remains to be seen."

Surprising? Depends on who you ask. Don Levine (of Debaser fame) will tell you he has no doubt the stargate sequence in 2001 was meant to be seen on drugs. And although Kubrick offers evidence to the contrary, I would be more than willing to believe there are movies meant to be watched under the influence. Any of

Were it were that we lived in days of yore. Alas.

This is true, very true. Except weirdly, Kubrick has gone on record saying he fully expected the film to be viewed without the aid of any mind altering substance.

Gotta bring home the bacon somehow.

"Garfield’s interpretation of The Gospel According to Aaron Paul aside"

Tell me you wouldn't watch a late night talk show hosted by Tommy Wiseau?

So glad Tierney/Newsradio is getting love on here right now. Y'all have your priorities straight.

I'm so down for this. Fingers crossed that it's longer than 10 minutes. The whole cast still looks fantastic!