
Yup. Burchard-Risch’s decision not to even apologize in court for her behavior seems to indicate she’s an asshole who also happens to be struggling with alcohol addiction.

According to CBS, her attorney said that the woman isn’t a “lunatic” or a “racist,” but someone with an “alcohol problem.” Burchard-Risch, meanwhile, had nothing to say, either to Jama or to the court.

A few years ago, maybe 2013 or 14, Secretary Hillary Clinton came to my work (not Wall Street, tech company) for a fireside chat and to promote her book. She talked at length about her experience as SOS, and one thing she discussed was how much “small offenses” matter to so many leaders and countries around the world,

He has no fucking clue what politics and diplomatic protocols are. Whats next he will visit North Korea ???

It’s pronounced “Gi-na.”

Enormously distressing is dealing with all of those things without the resources Kim and Kanye have. Put it in perspective here people.

Man, that picture of them blows me away. They were so much more natural looking back then. And Rob—holy hotness. Plus, Kylie (not pictured) was still wearing her human form back then.

Perhaps this is a bit O/T but I’ve always been curious about the mentality of these white supremacists, whose belief system is based on the genetic superiority of the white race but every single one of them look like, well, like Roof: skinny, unhealthy and clearly genetically damaged. I just don’t understand how they

Well, this ought to be a shit show. I feel so bad for the witnesses who will have to be cross examined by the man who killed their family members and tried to kill them. Fuck this guy.

Welp, at least now he’s pretty likely to (a) go to trial like an idiot, (b) get convicted, and (c) have the entire book thrown at him at sentencing (see (a) supra).

Maybe, but I think it’s more likely that people are fed up because the show just cannot seem to be consistenly interesting. That’s part of why I stopped watching after last season. The Glenn dumpster fiasco was the tipping point for me, it was lazy writing, and a cheap gimmick cliff-hanger for the midseason finale.

Bingo. Baby Judith should have magically turned in to a sassy 7 year old before the start of the new season, complete with a catchphrase.

the majority of Americans who voted for someone else don’t deserve this shit

This is a genius analogy; “Cool Ranch Gravy Grape” is an incredible, genius example; you are a genius.

It’s like how chip companies have run out of regular flavors and now keep putting out these disgusting combos, like Cool Ranch Gravy Grape or whatever. People run out of ways to get high so they start mix and matching.

The face-eating stuff is probably related to mental illness. In my years of using I never reached that stage of psychosis. As much as any drugs are “fun”, it’s great when it makes you feel great, then it doesn’t make you feel great enough, then you need some more, and that doesn’t work as well either. And then your

Its still bullshit.

That picture right there is the stuff nightmares are made out of.

How that fucking shit stain can leave the house without being curb stomped is beyond me much less be invited to a BLACK FUCKING UNIVERSITY?