Kim Cardassian

This is why I love Greg McLean’s 2007 movie Rogue: no emotional backstory, just survival. Also, while there is definitely a too-giant crocodile, it mostly just acts like an aggressive croc defending its territory. It leaves the characters alone for long stretches because it only sees them as a threat when they enter

Pot meet kettle.

Does it sound like that? Almost all the criticism is directed at what literally happens on screen, not the ideas behind it.

I would love it if someone went into the actual film reviews “around here” and did an actual deep-dive for how often “politics” are mentioned, and especially noted as a demerit for an especially bad film, and quantified some of this beyond vague suspicions and gut feelings. I’ve been through this with Mr. Ruthlessly

I dunno, are your feelings generally unreliable? Perhaps you should see a doctor to see if there’ something up with your nervous system.

“The demands of action and comedy, however, are apparently much too great a weight for this action-comedy to Lyft.”

This show is bad.


Wistfully scribbles Sean O’Neal in the foggy window.

I think part of the reason is their Twitter Handle is @USWNT.

Hey, De Palma has Carrie, Untouchables, Scarface, Blow Out, Carlitos Way and Mission Impossible, even if you don’t like the trashier ones.

Besson has never made a good enough movie for any subsequent works to be reffered to as self-parody. 

Or, and stay with me here, they thought these movies were better than the more popular ones.

Or maybe, they liked them?

It always fascinates me how many people dismiss “best of” lists that don’t validate their personal tastes as “pretentious.” 

Truly, that is the mission of most film critics. Not to talk about the things they genuinely like, but to appear smart by subsuming their secret love of Detective Pikachu.

“This is your brain. This is your brain on reviewing 13 episodes of TV in a weekend.” Genuine thanks for pointing out the (truly bizarre) error, though. It’s been corrected!

I loved Mr Rogers, always will, and I loved Sesame Street, always will, but even as a child Elmo got on my damn nerves. 

*Elmo stares forlornly at what he thinks is a dead, skinned muppet*

I know that snark and liberal politics are par for the course for AVC, but you’d think you’d be able to give credit where credit is due and acknowledge the incredible bravery it takes to produce and put on something like this - like their politics or not, these people put their neck on the line and themselves in real