
The BBC did something with the 80s and it aired on PBS. It actually spanned a few decades and was about how home technology changed over the years. The family starts out with 1970s technology and each day they advance a year so they receive new stuff and get stuff taken away as new technologies are produced and/or

I assumed the head shaving had something to do with Trainspotting 2 but then one of the writers or producers or something said on Twitter that they shot the head shaving scene in December.

They're doing Hairspray live in December.

Oh the show, they're speaking Mandarin, which is the official language of Taiwan. There's also a Taiwanese language that is pretty widely used but they've never used it on the show. This makes sense though, because I think I remember reading in Eddie Huang's book that his family (grandparents or great grandparents

No, right before she shoots Wesley, she actually says "Do you really think this is the first time I've shot someone?" implying that she has before. I won't spoil anything but there are more hints later on in the season that she at least knows her way around guns.

Matt regaining his hearing so quickly didn't bother me too much. It was mentioned last season that Matt has the ability to sort of speed up his healing by sort of focusing/meditating. So in the scene in his apartment when he's sitting against the wall, you can see he's focusing on healing himself until it finally

I don't think Karen/Frank was ever supposed to be even remotely romantic. He wants to protect her because she's been pulled into all the craziness and he doesn't want to hurt innocent people. And she realizes that even though his methods are insanely violent, he's doing it with the best intentions. They care about

There's some theory floating around that "M. Carter" could actually be Michael Carter, Peggy's brother, who faked his death for whatever reason. Maybe even brainwashed into aiding the enemy (Hydra?) a la the Winter Soldier. He might have even been the one who shot Thompson. Of course this is all wild speculation.

I think they pushed up the State Of The Union a week. Originally it was going to be two weeks of Agent Carter, a week off for the SOTU and then back to Carter. But once they pushed up the speech, they didn't want to have a week off after just the first episode so they pushed the entire season back.

SHIELD has to come back on schedule because presumably, they'll have an episode to tie in with Civil War. They pushed back the start of Agent Carter because of the State of the Union address so now they have to double up the episodes to get it in on time.

There are multiple codes that all do different things. Stanwyck was the delayed detonation. I can't remember who Jarvis said was the immediate detonation. I'm assuming there are other codes for different functions as well.

But the stealing the atomic bomb didn't just come out of no where. She wanted to repeat the Zero Matter experiments from the government film reel so she could become even more powerful.

I think the writers are only revealing bit by bit what went on between Peggy and Sousa between seasons. We've only really been able to piece together that SOMETHING happened between them. I suspect by the end of the season we'll actually know what went on.

He could have been married and had kids when he died. They didn't really go that much into his life.

Is he still alive? Doubtful.

She basically has the Zero Matter inside(?) her as a result of the explosion, hence the black mark on her forehead that she's trying to hide. The director was totally creeping on Frost with his overly long hug, etc. I can't remember if he touched the mark specifically or if it's just because she grabbed/scratched

I would think they'd have to stick to it. I feel like the movies are the final authority on MCU events.

Kilgrave's parents being in NYC was definitely not a coincidence. One of his parents, mom I think, says that they heard about Hope's story and thought it might be their son so they came to New York to find out.

It was her childhood home. When they showed her height markings on the wall I'm pretty sure it also had her brother's. And she gets mad at Kilgrave when he's giving her the house tour and they pass her brother's room. He makes some comment about "oh, this was little [brother's name, can't remember]'s room" and she

Malcolm says "fuck" at one point.