
I'm sure it's definitely out there. There are also people who are all into shipping Jessica and Kilgrave. I've stumbled across those Youtube videos people make where they compile clips and set it to music. All love songs about how they need each other and all that crap. People are crazy.

I'm assuming once they're back in the house, they'd warm up enough to get unstuck.

When he's in the street he yells for Jessica to come back to him but that's it. I don't think he ever even saw the bus coming so he had no time to order the driver to do anything.

She (and other characters) says "shit" a bunch. I feel like Disney would be really against having anyone say "fuck" in any of their properties.

No, the horse gave Michelle amnesia!

Yeah, but the phrase they used doesn't really have the severity or impact of an actual curse word which I thought was the whole point of that storyline.

I missed the "bull fart" but the "this is bull crap" translation was off and isn't really a swear. It sort of just means "are you kidding me?!" and isn't considered a curse.

I loved when Sue was talking about her yearbook page and how she'd have her name and a word for each letter. Hilarious when Axl just sort of swoops in with "So. Ugly. Everyday."

I think Leviathan is much bigger. I like the idea that Fenhoff hijacked an existing plan for revenge. Maybe the overall plan was to steal Stark's tech so they could study it and try to recreate some of his inventions and once Fenhoff heard about the plan, he volunteered to lead it so he could get to Howard and also

Do we know if this was an official Leviathan mission though? Maybe it was just Fenhoff being pissed and he recruits a handful of guys to help him go off and get Howard. Doubtful that Fenhoff himself is the head of Leviathan and I also don't recall ever seeing him answering to anyone, so maybe he's just doing this

Angie gave her a new set of keys. Probably stole them from the office or something like that.

I agree. There's no way it's a coincidence. I'm guessing Gruner's been keeping
an eye on Kitty throughout and decided that Joan might be a way to get
to her. He wants to stay on Joan's good side and let her keep working the case so he can know what's going on. Why else would he be so accommodating of her to keep