
The problem with “water until it comes out the bottom” is that the water pools up and runs down the sides of the pot and straight out the holes on the bottom before it has a chance to soak in.

The message here is not stop consuming NSS, but to be aware of what you are eating and how much.

As a parent with a sesame-allergic kid, this is almost worse than when nothing was labelled.

The picture: we all see it, right?

Nice satire...this is satire, right?

Literally everything this dude wrote is wrong, though lots of hucksters pushing it on social media. 

Nice mechanistic theory. Literally no study supports this. The insulin model has been discredited countless times. This is quackery. I eat over 100 grams of sugar a day and over 300 carbs most days, while maintaining 13% body fat and have lost and maintained over a 60 lbs of fat loss. If your theory was correct that

The number of things wrong with this comment would make VoluntaryProofreader have to go for a lie down.

Please be careful and always have liquid Benadryl to hand. As my allergist told me when I was “tentatively cleared” for shellfish (I only had some itchiness) but then went into anaphylaxis: just because you didn’t die one or ten times doesn’t mean you won’t die the next.

It’s less a matter of cost than delivering something priceless.
Homegrown tomatoes will be better than anything you can get a a supermarket, and better than 90% of what you’ll get at a farmer’s market.
A cucumber fresh off the vine is a delight of freshness, with no wax on the skin.
Homegrown jalapeno peppers actually

there’s also the mental health benefit. working in the garden is a great way to de-stress and get away from your screens.

final tip: don’t be a microphobe

The other night, my wife and I were talking about this, and we decided to conduct an experiment to discuss at length a product we never use: Bayer Aspirin. We talked about it for about ten minutes, constantly mentioning Bayer aspirin. It took about three or four days before I got an advertisement for Bayer Aspirin on

Yes, and like Schrodinger’s cat, you don’t know which it is until you, uh, open the box, so to speak.

Most people fart five to 23 times per day

For me, the question is: is the gentleman holding in a fart, or did the lady just rip hot sick ass? I mean, she does look awfully happy...

You should, however, hold in a shart. 

Like anything, everyone will find different ways that work best for them. Calorie counting is one of those things that helps me because it makes my mindful of how much I am eating, but I also don’t get wrapped up in it where any deviation feels like failure. Some days I’m just gonna eat that half a pizza.