
Noooooo...that wastes all the delicious fat! I stand by the low and slow method. Put in a cold oven, turn it to 300 degrees and bake until it reaches your preferred level of crispy. Then pour off all that delicious fat to use in everything else.

As a man who likes his bacon slightly crispy but still somewhat chewy, no thank you, Your Highness.

In addition to being significantly less secure, it won’t learn your face as well either - so glasses, hats, makeup, etc... will reduce its effectiveness. Face ID’s depth mapping handles those much better.

That being said, my personal preference is the rear-mounted fingerprint scanner. It’s substantially faster and more

But if you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?

Fully charged in like under 10 minutes right? If you can charge quickly it doesn’t matter how you charge

While not native I’ve found Pushbullet to be the best cross-platform solution. Just doesn’t integrate with Edge (does with FF/Chromium based) but an extension is certainly possible in the future.

Glad to know that they have removed the Backspace shortcut key. As in the past, I have been to “Backspacing text and landed into previous page” accidents many times!

Anyone that uses this extension is a monster.

So, before they removed the backspace navigation, they looked at the number of backspace presses and found that only a small fraction of the key presses are actually for navigation. The rest all are accidental clicks, annoying when you are typing something on a web page.

Good to know that an extension for the purpose exists, but I can survive the occasional cmd+left arrow in between the back gesture/button on my trackpad/mouse.

I’m just glad it’s gone to begin with. It’s always been a pain in my ass. Glad they took it out, don’t care if they make an extension.


This is probably the most balanced review on this matter that I’ve read on the whole internet. Probably this is the most balanced review in the Universe. Thanks for that.

For what an iPad costs, it should be able to run OS X, not just be a gigantic iPhone. I want to be able to see multiple apps on the screen at once and have the option of using a trackpad or mouse when I need more precision than a touchscreen offers. And have some mechanism for bearing its own weight so I don’t have to

Coconut oil is so versatile! I put some in my hair after showering.

I wouldn’t describe a bain marie as a “special piece of equipment.” A metal bowl over a pot of heated water is something most people can manage. You would think in the near 200 years since the death of Marie-Antoine Carême that the idea sauces are so difficult would have died out, but it persists. all the no...if you want easy then get Julia Child’s book “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” and there is a dead simple recipe for the sauce in there (which uses a blender) not make this lord...

Coconut oil melts at about 78 deg f. So in the summer in my warm house, its a liquid, in the winter it hardens up. I use it on my skin, and hair, and also sometimes in food. It tastes nice on raisin bread toast, and melted on top of hot popcorn. MMMM. Way better than butter or marg.

There is also a Good Eats episode about cooking steaks with a chimney starter. S14E01 “Porterhouse Rules”, I believe. Pretty easy and quick method, plus it helps to have Alton explaining things.

Will it work on PCs? Only on Chrome, I assume.