In an absolute triumph for bullshit, Arizona lawmakers passed a bill Wednesday that will require doctors to tell…
In an absolute triumph for bullshit, Arizona lawmakers passed a bill Wednesday that will require doctors to tell…
I grew up in the 80s, but we watched Good Times and the Jeffersons everyday on TBS. :) And I had the added advantage of the The Cosbys, A Different World, Fresh Prince, Hanging with Mr. Cooper, Family Matters, 227, and the one with LL Cool J. (I forget what it was called.) I watched a LOT of sitcoms as a child. …
Uuuuuuuuugh. I wish I could say that piece surprises me, but it doesn't, especially knowing who wrote it.
Do you think there was a moment in there where the author thought, "Wow. Am I really about to publish an article in which I claim there's too much diversity on television? This is a thing I'm doing?"
Yes! Gotta bring out one of my favorties gifs.
i miss being a teen and having the energy to experience strong emotions over shit that doesn't matter
Second this shit. I, as a white woman, have been *craving* more diverse TV because shows produced by white people, starring and written by white people, are FUCKING BORING. They do not address the full range of lived human experiences; they do not even address many of my experiences as a white woman. So bring it on.…
Ditto. Also, I'll hold your earrings Shonda!!! (I swear when i was growing up we had more diverse shows than we had for the last 10 or so years. This is an exciting time.)
The complaint that talented white actors are being pushed aside so that creators can meet a POC quota is potentially a valid one all on its own, but it ignores the context of a half-a-century of talented actors of color utterly ignored because they weren't white. And it ignores the powerful and growing audience for…
Yeah, hi. White girl here. And long-time TV addict. I'm enjoying TV right now more than I ever have - and that's saying something - largely because of the renewed diversity on television. I am SICK TO DEATH of the same old tropes and characters we've always seen, and there's a creativity injected into the…
To me all this really boils down to is: "It makes me uncomfortable when I have to think about people of color as people" and of course "This is reverse racism, now white people can't get 95% of all roles ever."
This is not real. This is not real. This is not real. This is not real.
On Tuesday, Deadline Hollywood's Nellie Andreeva dissected the swell of actors of color in television's casting…
Can you follow me around and say nice, wise things to me all the time? Thanks! :D
All I can think, seeing him in chains, is that he's just a kid. That couldn't have been necessary.
this just breaks my heart. Look at his face in that picture, more utter devastation than pain.
Is it wrong that I'm disappointed that Urban Meyer isn't implicated in more stuff?
"Ted Williams has always had a good head on his shoulders, figuratively, if not literally, his whole life."