
Weinstein wasn’t harassing Oprah, and do you really think his victims were coming to her to reveal what he’d done? You think he’d behave this way on front of Oprah? 

All these whites here saying NOTHING positive about this HISTORIC moment are upholding white privilege. Seriously, fuck you.

Sort of off topic, because her speech was great, but Oprah looked the absolute best I’ve ever seen her look; everything (hair, makeup, dress) was perfection. I wonder who designed her dress?

My daily prayer:

Reminds me of my favorite saying: “I can’t wait for his generation to fucking die.”

You know the old expression ‘to the guillotine with him’! What? That saying is at least 220 years old!

Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.

Exactly. That’s why I figured she did that.

I work in the world of branding/intellectual property. I have logo recall that terrifies marketing departments. My husband, who is a total brand whore (his words), finds it hilarious that I will NOT buy things with names or logos on them except under extreme duress. If it can be decanted, it WILL be decanted.

Thank you for mentioning the blinking recommendation! That may have resolved the difficulty I’ve always had with Visine.

As someone who grew up really poor and cognizant of the scarcity of resources who, later in life, saw how cavalierly other people will waste shit for no good reason, especially if it’s not their stuff they’re wasting ... I feel like I’ve just completely bonded with SJP.

OK, but *where* is she sitting? That doesn’t look like any NYC subway car I’ve ever been on. Is it a movie/TV set for “1970s NYC subway”?

None of this is crazy to me at all, but I’ve worked as a nanny. In defense of SJP, the doctor actually gives you very specific blinking instructions when he/she prescribes eye drops for pink eye. If you blink too soon after they’re applied you can blink them out before they have time to act.

I’m with Sarah all the way. I try to decant almost every pantry or toiletry item i use. Everything is streamlined and uniform and it helps to keep the visual clutter to a minimum.  And if the product in question can’t be decanted I usually try to remove the label. The container store is my Shangri-La.

God help me, but this email, along with the Rob Lowe personal assistant job posting and even the Steve Harvey “Don’t talk to me” memo, all have me on the side of the celebrity. If you have specific instructions for people working for you, what’s wrong with just putting it out there in a respectful way so everything

She got a plug on Jez for her gig on November 13. Mission accomplished.

Taco meat relativism is how we ended up with Chipotle dysentery.

I’m 0% surprised, but also only maybe 3% care.

Michelle Collins ... reportedly recited a series of emails, which Parker allegedly sent to a friend of Collins’s who’s on staff for SJP and her husband Matthew Broderick.