Precious family.
Precious family.
The one good thing about all of this is that he is now getting the care he so desperately needs. He now knows that he matters-even if it is only to strangers at a hospital. Poor child.
I would like to give a never-ending high five to that teen for standing up for the child; does anyone know if he was a family member? This story is so beyond horrific that I can barely find any other words for it.
Texas, Texas, Yeehaw!
I am a rocket scientist. Does that count?
May I ask what research she used? Or better stated: what data?
My son's clinic sells a lot of breast pumps and pro-breastfeeding tshirts. :-)
Thank you!! My husband is an MD/MPH who was a researcher at Hopkins and the state epi for a very large and very complicated state. He currently spends his work life doing statistical analysis on population groups and clinical effectiveness. Not once has he received a "vaccine industry" dime for his medical work but…
May I ask what happened? If you don't want to share, I understand; I am just curious.
The only thing that will work is for a huge polio-like outbreak to hit. No one remembers how horrible those outbreaks were so they become cavalier about their-and our-health. Keep fighting the good fight.
What science? Cite stats or share peer-reviewed links and no, Jenny McCarthy doesn't count.
For us, it was Caladryl. We had that flaky pink crème all over our bodies!
Insert "vegetarian" here and there throughout your story and that is me. It's amazing how many people (ahem, in-laws) are still so offended by my diet when I go out of my way to not bring it up or to make it as easy as possible on everyone else. Good luck with your celiac disease; I know it can be a tough one.
Why did he touch you?? I'm glad your managers stood up for you; that sounds unnerving.
When I was an undergrad at Cal Tech, I worked in a restaurant.
Have fun and don't sweat the small stuff. And know that you will likely be famished later that night because you will forget to eat that day. Also, if you've been invited to a wedding, don't bring your boyfriend of two weeks and your mother without notice. And don't RSVP then never show and never call again.
The baggage handler.