Reckless Pinner

Lunes were great fun. I can attest to that fun.

Natural immunity? I wonder how these parents feel about AIDS, HPV, and the like?

I wish Hawking could have traveled on a shuttle and got to experience space travel before leaving our plane of existence.

UHaul pay is shit. No guessing, there.

But it is okay to lock convicts up for days, weeks, years at at time. Um, yeah.

I would like to see the proof of Russian hacking produced and made public for everyone to examine. Why so much secrecy from the US public? Let’s get it out there for everyone to see. Otherwise,

Excessive head shaking may cause a blood vessel to rupture which can leadto serious  trouble. Don’t ignore it.

Our Springers have itchy ears, too. They flap likes birds, on occasion. We use a cleaner to get accumulated gunk out of their ears. The hair that grows in their ears tickles them constantly and they flap, flap, flap. Saw the vet. Got some cream, cleaner, pills for inner ear infection assuming the worse. Keep their

Word up.

Who buys anything at Best Buy anymore? They suck eggs through Cat 4 cable...

I hope Larry claws his way back from the dead, I’ve always wanted to sample zombie lobster thermidor. I promise to give him a great send-off through my digestive tract.

Ticketmaster: ”Let’s make it as deplorable and difficult as possible, so people will get disgusted and forget about it...and we’ll save millions upon millions. Let them hate us, they still need tickets.”

Consumers are getting fucked from every direction. This is an excuse to deny loans or set the interest rate higher to net more profits. Simple, as that.

My evil spawn is invariably upset and will retaliate in like and kind...thanks Paramount, you worthless fucks, I hope your first is quintuplets.

So, this is more or less a celestial, left-cheek-sneak?

What would happen if that fart cloud were to invade our solar system?

Fund a sapceflight to Mars and then fuck Matt Damon.

Did they offer a price point?

How fitting for such a piece of shit.

Hey! I resemble that statment! Not all cheese, brats and beer are stinky.