Perhaps not the preferred nomenclature, but they peed on his rug, dude.
Perhaps not the preferred nomenclature, but they peed on his rug, dude.
I’m so glad this kind of thing doesn’t happen in our beautiful country.
To be honest, I was skeptical of her, but I think she might be doing the appropriate thing here and treating Christine Blasey Ford with the same respect and care she would treat any other victim. And perhaps she took this assignment in order to do just that. Hearing isn’t over yet though, so I am reserving judgment…
True story - what’s even sadder for that beer vendor is that his job doesn’t even provide enough to allow him to go back to his home in Kansas to visit his father. His dad had to use some of his retirement savings to travel to Landover just to be able to see his boy.
So they took a regular frame, made it have a taller ride, and added a couple more jumper seats to say it now sits 7.
“Tom knows Bill is the best coach in the league, but he’s had enough of him. If Tom could, I think he would divorce him.”
The Browns were always second class citizens in St. Louis.
It’s been getting pretty much worse and worse since they nailed me to a cross.
So this must be the fashion version of justifying the Alex Smith contract.
“Oil personally changed every 6 months, all serious maintenance done by Italian master mechanic in Stoke. Entire system flushed with Seafoam once a year. Always drank 91+ octane since new. Oh and I’m also selling a Ferrari if you’re interested. — Keith”
“We need to make something that looks like a Tahoe, but if it were unlicensed in a Video Game.”
According to Devon police, attempts to find the culprit ended in vein.
Is it wrong to be mostly concerned that a major university’s Title IX coordinator evidently doesn’t know how to spell “allegation”?
The first depth chart of the season lists Jalen Hurts and Tua Tagovailoa as co-starters.
Bud, we’ve been spontaneously ejaculating since Shildt took over. At this point there’s just a little flag that says “bang.”
For once, all very good suggestions.
I’m surprised she told you about that.