Prognosis Negative

I didn’t see it. He was lying on the floor next to her as she accepted her award. It was apparently a scripted bit, though I can’t imagine what the point could’ve been. But you know, the performative squad said it was racist.

Seriously it was a friggin GI Jane reference. A movie body nobody has talked about in over 20 years. That was the whole reason the slap was so bizarre. It was over the dumbest little remark that half the audience probably didn’t even get.

Though I don’t condone violence...

Now playing

It’s a bold opinion , Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for ‘em

Louie CK has stated that he consciously avoids audience shots in his specials. One reason he’s done a few of them in “the round” (a circular stage surrounded by the audience) is that cuts from one angle to another can be from dramatically different perspectives, and doing that can obviate the filler crowd-shot inserts

Jerrod hasn’t shown the audience in his last two specials.

And you’re lighting up the scoreboard with bald jokes.

You know it’s gonna be an all-timer when none of the writers want to attach their name to the article 

What reality do you live in? 

There’s a difference between leftist and liberal. Soviet Russia was leftist - but very illiberal. This distinction is lost on many.

That song is Problematic.   Now I'm off to listen to a rap song about slapping bitches and shooting people.  

You know the spirits of all the slaves in the south rejoiced when The Dixie Chicks became just The Chicks.  It’s what they were waiting for, they couldn’t move on to the next life until that moment. 

Man do I love the “power imbalance” briar patch. Literally no way to escape it. If you’re a successful actor dating a fan? Power imbalance. If you’re a not-particularly successful actor dating a non-actor? Power imbalance. If you’re a not-particularly successful actor dating another not-particularly successful actor?

Eh, people can be two things. It’s a little out of touch to praise him at all but it’s not like Cox is saying Singer is a good guy. 

“A rare mistake on the technical side?” SNL has been plagued with technical issues in recent years. Missed camera cues, sound issues, cue card mistakes. The camera coming into view was not the least bit surprising.

Wish I could find the gif from Koala Man but:

Pesci: “You think I’m sexy? Sexy how? Sexy like a bombshell? Do I arouse you?”

I think it’s ok for her specifically because it’s her own memoir but the real test for others will be if he’s shown any sense of remorse or self awareness about it. I can still enjoy his films but still feel bad about those instances and be happy I've never met him. 

It’s pretty common for people to hold grudges for far longer over lesser offenses. Is it so different just because the dominant emotion isn’t rage?

Is your name a Seinfeld reference? I can hear George saying it now.