Prognosis Negative

You guessed it...Frank Stallone.

That, and he has to learn to write a whole review talking about how much more he knows about comedy than an SNL writer or cast member. I used to write criticism professionally, and the whole “I know how to do it better than somebody who does it for a living” is the mark of an idiot. You umpire the ball, not the man.

So why come here at all to post the same-old? Your comment should have ended a long time ago. You like something else, go elsewhere—shoo... I enjoy reading reviews regarding hosts and sketches on this program. I think this new reviewer did a nice job and I appreciated his viewpoint.

Remember when this was suppose to be a comedy show back when Letterman had it ? Instead of Dimm propaganda ?

To be fair, the book that Power of the Dog is based on came first.  

Weirdly, I felt like Power of the Dog was a well-made but rather inert spin on the Western, with a “get it? THEY ARE GAY ACTUALLY” reveal that is completely predictable nowadays (certainly not back when the novel was written, I grant you). And when it ended, my sense of “that was it, huh” was fueled mostly by how

I don’t know if I’m hateable for it, but I thought this particular movie sucked, and do not comprehend all the awards attention it’s been getting, AND I’m a fan of Campion. (The underseen “The Sisters Brothers” did a similar story so much better just last year. as did, sort of, “Cow”.)

I think with other celebrities you get the feeling that it's more about them having the right opinion and showing that they stand on the right side of history, etc etc. Lynch has consistently proven himself to be one of the most genuine people in entertainment so when he says something, people are inclined to believe

He’s been getting away with telling us the weather for years now, while other celebrity weather reports are scorned and made fun of. I assume this falls under the same category.

What’s the difference?  You’re their all-time best seller!

The problem is, that outrage doesn’t really travel beyond the far left and they get distracted by the next shiny thing within an hour. Right wingers can get their gripes picked up on by “mainstream” media, and have it dominate the discussion for weeks or months.

oh, 100% this. 

Exactly. The back of the football helmet says you can die from participation, and the football kids are more or less ready to do just that... just because you cannot, generally, die from theater does not mean theater kids experience any less passion.

lol yes gave me flashbacks to the gone to soon episode of Pen15.

I think you have to accept that Euphoria is as much as fantasy world as Middle Earth. It makes that stuff go down a lot easier.

I feel like there was only a brief time they were invested in that, which is a bummer.

you think they’d start with a Simpson’s crossover

He mentioned the R-rated Joker in the previous sentence’s parenthetical.

I’ve never heard of this!  What crime was it?  Please, type it out for us so we can all see how silly it is that people keep mentioning it.

No one bashes eminem for being white anymore, it’s for being corny and lame