
The DNC and the media (you) can take partial credit for shoving Hilary down our throats and pretending the criticisms Sanders’ made were not legitimate, when they were in fact everything. that mattered (not that you acknowledge it). You railroaded progressives, but it just didn’t work on the Republicans, and here we

Huh. Looks like Hillary really is just a terrible candidate.

Oh, come on, the answer should be obvious. Studebaker President! Actual fact, Abraham LINCOLN rode through WASHINGTON in a Studebaker. (GRANT-ed, it was a horse-drawn funeral coach, but it WAS manufactured by Studebaker...) So, with a name like President, and the presidential precedent already set.... I am voting

I’m voting 3rd party: Studabaker Commander.

I would argue that a woman in the public eye could loose weight by accident, but you don’t accidently work out for three hours a day.

You partisian hack. The only thing that’s changed is that they’ve switched targets from the Bush/Cheney administration to Clinton.

The Pelican’s Grief

It most certainly is not a “non-story”. She set up a private email server that was used to send and receive classified information in order to get around public information rules set in place to prevent corruption. If she were a civilian employee, she would have been fired. If she were a uniformed service member,

It is totally absurd that she’s not being punished for blatantly disregarding basic security protocols, lying about it, and destroying evidence.

Hi Jezzies! Sorry to post this here on SNS, but it must be done.

Right Round perhaps?

Now if only farmers could be treated the same with their tractors and other agricultural equipment (giving you the Death Stare, John Deere)

I wouldn’t mind having a building. You can keep the people.

I’m no fan of Thiel nor Clinton. But if they got together it would change nothing for me. Sanity > insanity in my book. The bar’s so low for this election you wouldn’t trip over it if you shuffled across - but anything that puts Herr Asshat in office is insanity. And sadly, the only republican I would have voted for

Buzzfeed is always on the cutting edge of originality

Ecoboost Police Interceptor Explorer. Roomy and heavy (duty). Alot of people will think you are an unmarked unit and get out of your way too. It would also be easier to add laptops/radios/various weather tracking equipment.

I hate Trump, and will be voting for Hillary, but I’m not sure why she gets a free pass on this site. She’s the lesser of two evils, but isn’t what I’d consider an appealing candidate. She could have nipped this all in the bud if she wanted to, and released those emails, but didn’t. Instead she acted like any

This reminds me of the Great Bow Riots of 1977-78, when the giant bow industry announced the switch from Standard to Metric bows in a press release they buried in the back pages of the March 1977 issue of R&T next to the ads for novelty car horns.

Not saying you specifically. Saying that Hillary/DNC should not have rigged the primary. Bern would be up 25 points by now.