
sooooooo then Spiderman 2 shouldn’t be on the list either by that logic.

“Once you get bored of the sandbox stuff” - legitimately haven’t and still find things to fuck around with after all this time and have trouble putting it down once I start playing - Spiderman 2 hasn’t done the same for me

It *quite literally* is what ghosted means. Are you special?

I agree with the first part, but I disagree with the second part. 

Is the person getting screwed over in the room with us?

And then you’d still make the pizzas because you wouldn’t want to lose your job

Stick drift is still a thing for PS5 controllers right?  If so, hard pass.

A sense of entitlement is all it takes for one to stop thinking for others’ well being. Unless, of course, it affects the corporate executives.

People got to eat, and a corporation got screwed. That’s a win-win to me.

they must be like cattle

I’ll be that guy, I wouldn’t even take a free Dominos Pizza, that shit is terrible. 

This thing looks like it was made for early adopters and bargain hunters, and no one else.

It seems impossible to me that they designed this without integrating in the replaceable joysticks from the edge controller or some of those drift proof sticks. You really want to send this whole thing into sony WHEN it starts to get joystick drift within 1000 hours of use pretty much guaranteed?

You already got it. It’s called “I put down the game 7 years ago”. If you jump back infor an update, you’ve got no one to blame but yourself for having no self-control.

If you apparently can’t tell the difference between Pakistan and Palestine, then you’re probably not equipped to “explain” anything to anyone, much less your children.

Not the person you’re replying to but the handful of games I bought were not Epic exclusives. I bought them there because it was cheaper, even before the cashback, and secondarily, I like the idea of higher percentage going to the publisher rather than the store

Legitimately embarrassing that people don’t realize how much that image makes the opposite of the point y’all seem to think it does.

Hopefully Epic sticks around. I’ve only used the store a few times but I use it like an actual STORE—go in, buy your shit, get out—not a weird, “hanging out at Walmart” that kids use with the Steam Store.

The ease with which secrets, spoilers, exploits, glitches, and all kinds of other gameplay discoveries could be instantly shared completely changed how people played games and talked about them.”

Another banner day for Elon Musk, the smartest man alive.

Denouncing an apartheid state is something most kids are taught in school. All kids are equal, and they should be treated with respect.