Plenty, maybe do a quick google search and go donate instead of making dumb comments
Plenty, maybe do a quick google search and go donate instead of making dumb comments
I don’t see a single puddle so this must be a graphical downgrade.
I’ve put off getting Cult of the Lamb on PS5 for an opprotune sale. I think I’ll just grab it today. This is a kind move from the publisher that shouldn’t be as bold as it is.
Yeah thats definitly not it. Maybe 1% of the playerbase actually mods games. The majority are on console where mods just dont exist...except for starfield which is getting mod support in 2024...
Can we install this on Musk's computer and tell him it's the new Twitter control interface, then get rid of all the Nazis on real Twitter while he is distracted? He'll never know the difference anyways.
The longer that clip went on the funnier it got. I'm not sure how long a hydraulic bounce trick run should be, but that seems at least three times longer than necessary.
“Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie.”
Games like this is what my dad would bring me and my brother from the $1 game bin, like LOWRIDER the game:
I mean, if you want to get up to all kinds of primate shenanigans, just play Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze instead.
I know armchair socialism feels especially futile when shit like this is happening, but the only way to truly staunch the bleeding is for workers to control the fates of their own companies. Nobody can or should ‘own’ anyone’s labor except the laborers themselves. Nobody else’s interests are truly aligned with the…
Yes, and then you can watch your companion of choice go on a murderous rampage. Andreja said something about a planet full of life being a blessing when we landed, but I didn't think it was because she was gonna kill all my farm animals.
If you can handle the inherent issues with old games its worth checking out. The characters in the game are a lot different than you might think based on the pop culture representations. A lot of what we think of the FF7 characters came from stuff after the game. Its one of the reasons I was pleasantly surprised that…
But now you have smash n grabs in LA at an alarming rate, and they can’t get prosecuted now, or let go the same day, so what’s the point in even having cops? You either make laws that give citizens the right to use force to defend property, or you just let it happen...ah but this was in 2017 so I guess that’s a moot…
Would sure be nice if there was a screenshot or a clip, rather than an embedded tweet that doesn't render.
Maybe Saudi Arabia can pay to put a hacksaw as a melee weapon in Fortnite.
Not to mention every other oil producing country in the area. Looking at you especially, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
I only made it three regions into Valhalla and, while I don’t begrudge the fact Ubisoft made this wide world that some of its players could explore, I really wished it had offered a straightforward route through the story content and major landmarks.
I just... don’t get people who spend all their time walking around not really *doing* anything in games.