
“Note I didn’t say these were highlights, or my favorites, because aarrgghh that would be curating again, and that’s not the point!”

Nice cop out, Luke.

Can’t delete comments. Pls ignore

Would love to see what a Tears of the Kingdom-style year of delay could do to a game like this. As much as I loved FFVII:R(i), it would’ve been so much better if they polished it to the same level as they polished the first ~30 minutes (mako reactor demo)

Holy shit I did not expect to love the “Modern” control scheme and yet here we are. II understand why it’s on by default though, because otherwise nobody would even try it. But maybe it’s overnerfed? I don’t know if you need a damage output reduction when simplified controls also inherently limit the amount of moves

How’s that going for you? I’m not really invested, it’s just a knee-jerk reaction

Gotta pay for another Cosby suite somehow

Riot’s launcher sucks in that it just launches (and updates) the other riot launchers that almost universally suck major ass

For only double the price of the last one?? What a steal

That’s hilarious and good. Fuck Amazon

I guarantee it’s either going to utilize Microsoft’s Direct Storage API, requiring an NVMe SSD (highly unlikely) or only run (as smoothly as PS5) with loads and loads of DRAM.

Or neither, and it’s just going to chug whenever those speeds are necessary 🤷

It’s the whole reason that they’ve become a meme on the internet lmfao”

What a damning self-report. I’m impressed

I love anything that makes the racists angry, but “live-action” Disney remakes are where I draw the line.

Fuck that movie. Fuck the dipshit review bombers more, of course, but also fuck that movie

Look at me I don’t care! I care so little about this article, I didn’t even read the headline. I DON’T CARE.


Agree with you sentiment, starred for the Neglectful Nancy comment, but if you consider playing the game grinding, it isn’t for you

From all the Digital Foundry footage I’ve watched, it seems performance is phenomenal on all Switch models. Maybe you have a defective unit?

“But the game’s notorious launch day bugs have been mostly squashed in the last decade”

It’s both understandable and incredibly childish to remove mentions of other platforms from their trailers.

My hope for a Bloodbourne/Tsushima PC port announcement feels extra naive now

Every time I see a PS5 or all affiliated accessories I get irrationally mad at the decision to go with panda-print on all the things.

Too late.

Also wouldn’t be that big a deal if Sony and Microsoft and every other company in America weren’t so against local backups.
